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This is the End...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I said yesterday that this series against the Soxies was essentially going to be the maker or breaker of the Yanks' season, and I stand by that remark. Getting back into the mix required a sweep, and that is obviously no longer an option. I suppose there is a dim chance of the perfect storm of Red Sox failures and some magical transformation in the performances from the likes of Ponson, C-Pav, and A-Rod (for the record: I still love the man. He just hasn't been clutch. Not even close. Not that anyone else HAS been, but after last year I thought he was over the "OMG OMG I'm so nervous!" spasms. And to the guy that emailed me saying that A-Rod was a "bum" that we were "stuck with" for 10 years... simmer down and ponder where this team would be in the rankings without him every year), but it is admittedly improbable.

Have I given up? I'd like to say no... but I'm going to have to go with a resounding YESSIR. It breaks my heart to say such a blasphemous thing, but it must be said.

And this way, if a miracle occurs, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

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posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, August 27, 2008  
  • At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, That game was depressing. But the hits are few and far between. And Yeah, that is Kevin Long's problem. One hitter having a bad year is one thing but with so many have a bad year, a common denominator needs to be found and that is the hitting coach. The Bombers don't need an other 'vet' on the mound that need a couple of good solid young arms to go with some good solid hitters. This year was done after that left coast road trip.

  • At 8:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I can sincerely say a season ending without playoffs at the stadium, in it's swan song season, is a shame. and this coming from a sox fan...i'm definitely bummed.

  • At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Most of the attention this season has been on the pitching woes, but the real problem has been the inconsistent offence. Many of the Yanks have gone into their post-season "slumber" during the reg season.
    I know Bobby-A is still up there in rbi's but his oba is down 50 pts on his career average. It's about time the yanks realised that positional players peak in their late twenties not mid-thirties. They have a chance to lose some of their older declining players at the end of this season, I think they must do it.
    Unfortunately, the minors have very few show-ready hitters. Jackson will only be in AAA next season, so maybe I-Kenn and the Melkman will be tradebait for some young outfielders.
    Heres hoping.

  • At 7:34 AM, Blogger cliffwarren said…

    It's over. As much as I hate to say it... it is simply over.

    Then again, I've been waiting for an all-out full fledged rebuilding effort since 2003. Keep Jeter, Posada and Mo (2003 timeframe sentiments) and everyone else is expendable. The longer we put this off, the longer we will wait for another championship. This team needs some youth, lots of youth.

  • At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is really sad to see how people can turn on A-Rod just because he goes 0-5 in an important game. Yes, he didn't produce when it "really counted" but if he wasn't producing all year then the Yanks wouldn't be in this "important" game in the first place.

    It seems like it always goes back to the old saying, "What have you done for me lately?" Well, if batting .300/25+Hrs/80+RBIs isn't enough would you rather have some dude named Melky take all those at-bats and lead your team to a nice 75 win season.

    I do agree with the comments here. This off-season the Yanks really need to change their lineup drastically since contracts are going to expire and give the Yanks some huge relief in the salary category. Hopefully they don't go out and spend $100million on some dude who just had a career year, most career years usually don't lead to another/better year. That's why they call it a career year.

    Fantasy Baseball

  • At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The song is apropo as it was featured in a movie that would also be a fitting title to your post "Apocalypse Now".

    They should trade Robinson Cano for a washing machine.

  • At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with cliffwarren. I thought the boys were too long in the tooth last year, but they managed to pull it together. I think Old Father Time has caught up with most of the roster now.

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