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I Pity You New Yorkers...
Monday, April 06, 2009
...who are doomed to pass by infinite newsstands tomorrow featuring the NY Post, whose cover will surely lambaste poor CC.

What will it be? C-See Ya Later? CC Sucksbathia? Post your guess in the comments. Best one wins a prize!

Aside from the pitching, the game wasn't that bad. Jorgie, who I consider to be our biggest question mark, came through with a sweet homer, and Gardner showed off why he earned that centerfield gig with a huge assist to gun down Mora at the plate. As for CC, he'll be just fine - everyone is entitled to a bad start every now and then, it's just unfortunate his had to come today.

The good news is that the Orioles have nothing after Guthrie. See you Wednesday, O's!

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posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 06, 2009  
  • At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Zero CC's of pitching... STAT!"

    Right now he gets paid infinity million dollars per strikeout.


  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger Mike said…

    CC takes-a-bath-ia! I don't even know what happened today, it just sounded bad reading your post!

  • At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha im glad the yankees took c.c. remember when the going got tough in the play-offs with the brewers? HE CHOKED!!!

  • At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Ian said…

    What a waste!!!

    insert picture of sabathia with head down.

    CC Suckathia (in big letters)

  • At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mora was safe by a mile - even Fat Francessa said so - so relax on giving Gadriner the Gold Glove

  • At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you're forgetting loltexiera - 0-4..

  • At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't remember if it was the Post or the Daily News, but one of them said...


    As in full of crap.

  • At 6:01 AM, Anonymous Bronx Baseball Daily said…

    I was surprised we didn't see the $340 million loss.

    Whatever, it's easy to ignore when you know they are being overthetop.

  • At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's Wed. and yet again the yanks are lossing in the 5th 7-1. It's going to be a long year if your a Yankee fan. The best last place team money can buy. They spent 180 million a un-tested first baseman who is now 0 for 6 (hitless and clueless)161 million on a pitcher who couldn't get one K in his first outing. Time to fire Girardi?????

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