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Release 'The Steroid List" Already, for A-Rod's (and Gossip's) Sake! |
Monday, March 01, 2010 |
When I saw on Yankees.com today that A-Rod has been contacted by the FBI to discuss Anthony Galea, a sketchy Toronto-based sports medicine doctor suspected of supplying 'roids to a variety of athletes (his assistant was caught smuggling HGH across the border... but I'm sure that was just a coincidence), I initially was uninterested. We already know A-Rod juiced and have made our decisions about whether we give a shit or not. Do we need to hear every time his name comes up in a discussion about steroids? He got the steroids somewhere and presumably used them in the presence of others - it's not like he made them himself in a converted meth lab and did them in isolation - of course his name is going to come up in connection with a steroid supplier. That's not news, it's exactly what you'd expect. I'm so uninterested, I'm interested again. About being uninterested about A-Rod.
A-Rod cheated. SO DID A WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER DUDES. I'm so ill of A-Rod being the poster boy for early 2000's steroid use, just because someone leaked his name and not the other hundred-plus goons on that 2003 "anonymous" list of players who tested positive. Of course, that list is by no means the end-all be-all of who did or didn't do steroids - there are surely even more - but I really feel that it needs to come out in its entirety to give the entire era some context. It's simply unfair for A-Rod to be the one taking the heat when so many of his teammates were doing the exact same thing (or worse). The fact that a whole bunch of players were doing steroids doesn't make A-Rod's cheating "less bad", but it does make it more understandable, and having to acknowledge how many good players were using illegal substances would perhaps quiet (even marginally) not just the A-Rod haters but the entire community of "oh my god using steroids is as cheat-y as incapacitating your opponents with a Tonya Harding whack; I could never vote a steroid user into the Hall of Fame!" idiots (get it through your heads: steroids don't magically make a bad player good. A-Rod still would have been good without them. Matt Lawton didn't turn into Barry Bonds with them. It doesn't work like that, so stop discounting everything a steroid user did the minute a positive test comes back.)
A-Rod participated in the test under the impression that the results where to remain anonymous. Why was that revoked for him and not others? I don't know all the legalities involved, but I sure do wish someone could step in and insist that the list be revealed in full, just to even things out a bit.
And if that's not legally possible for someone to demand, then Sports Illustrated should bust out the checkbook and find themselves a former lab assistant willing to spill the beans for a nice payout... because I'm sick of reading the words "steroids" and "Alex Rodriguez" in the same sentence. Let's start spreading the blame!
"Both my muscles and rage are natural, I swear!"
Labels: a-rod support, sketchy, steroids |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, March 01, 2010   |
I'm pretty sure we're going to find out in the coming days that A-Rod is an HGH user too. I hate to be like this because I actually like A-Rod but we know he's a steroid cheat and if he was willing to use PEDs in 2003 there's no reason to believe he wouldn't use a substance that can't be tested for even as late as last season. This doctor is connected with HGH so unfortunately, I have to believe A-Rod has some connection as well. I'm sure he was just using it as part of the 'healing' process though...
For Alex's sake, I hope he just puts everything on the table this time. If he says his connection with this guy was strictly through knowing somebody who works with him and it turns out to be more than that, this will be a bigger headache than he (and the Yankees for that matter) need. Time for Cashman to sit down with this guy and ask him, "hey idiot, how many more surprises are going to come up?" because this is starting to get ridiculous. There is always something with A-Rod.
Yankees Chick,
Love the blog... but I hate this article. It was only a short time ago that you totally ripped into McGwire for "coming out" as a steroid abuser. You act as if this fool A-Rod didn't tip toe around his answers and didn’t keep lying even after he was caught.
Do you know why ESPN sticks with A-Rod as their target? It is because he deserves it. Sure steroids don't make mediocre players like Matt Lawton into superstars... but they do turn stars into superstars. They make career 150hr hitters into career 250-300 hr hitters. They turn 400 homeruns into 500 and 500 into 600 or maybe even 700. They turn great players into legends and that is the worst thing that could have happened to the game.
If only mediocre players could have been the ones to have abused the juice. IF ONLY. Then everything that baseball has stood for in the past 20 years could still be worth something. The few years Brady Anderson and Luis Gonzalez hit 50 homeruns a piece could be erased. But the game you think Arod has a right to still play is completely changed because of liars and cheaters like Clemens, Bonds, A-Rod, Ramirez, Sosa, Palmeiro, McGwire... etc. Go back and look at how many MVP titles since 1985 belong to people who abused and hid in the shadows and lied about it.
No, ARod should be at the front line. They all should be stuck at the front line, and sentenced to live the way Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose did/do. And I hope it hurts when it comes out that he used HGH even after getting caught for Steroids.
This Yankees championship, no matter how amazing a ride, was an embarrassment to me… because Arod helped. Because he didn’t deserve the glory. None of them do. And you are not helping baseball by arguing A- Rod's side right after mocking Mark McGwire. Either you support giving these guys a second chance or you don’t. But in the end… those two men are no different in their crimes or their willingness to lie even when caught… no matter how much you’re willing to lie to yourself.
We'll have to agree to disagree, anon.
The reason I went off on Mcguire was because he blatantly lied about it so often and with such conviction. Had A-Rod denied using steroids to congress, I probably wouldn't be as forgiving - at least of his attitude.
I don't think its right that A-Rod cheated, but I think it's wrong that he should be vilified while others who did the same thing remain glorified just because they didn't get caught. My argument isn't that cheating is a-ok, it's that ALL those who cheated should be exposed so that we can at least make a better judgment over the impact of steroids on the game. If it came out that Pujols, Papi, Hamilton, Howard, and Fielder were all on steroids during their best 2 years, would you still feel that A-Rod should be the only target? Or that what he did was so horrible in general?
(those aren't sarcastic questions - I appreciate your thorough answers and I really am interested in your thoughts!)
Yankees Chick,
thanks for writing back.
Papi WAS caught juicing, but the MLB swept it under that rug. ARod denied using steroids. He lied on National Television to, I believe, Barbara Walters...
I 100% agree that everybody should be exposed and I also think ARod should not be the only one to take the blame... But I don't think he's had it that hard since it all came out. Let's face the facts. The guy was embarrassed, tormented, joked about... and then what? He still got to show up to the ball park, play baseball, and collect one of the many enormous checks that make up his 20 million dollar a year contract. He got away with it... He got away with all of it.
And if other greats like Pujols were found out would I lessen my dislike of ARod? No. Roger Clemens was one of my favorite players of all time. But to consider him now in line to join Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, and Randy Johnson as one of our era's best pitchers disgusts me. By the way, if it ever came out that Greg Maddux, Ken Griffey Jr or Derek Jeter juiced I would probably stop watching baseball forever.
This isn't and never was an ARod bashing session. It's a cheater bashing session. I was once accused of being a "Manny Basher" because I tried to convince a crowd of people at a Dodgers game to turn their backs on him when he came up to bat.
The point is, ARod cheated and so he is grouped in with the others. If Pujols were caught, whether he cried like a baby or lied or fessed up wouldn't make a difference. He would just join Arod in the group of players I turn my back on when at live games, or make phone calls during their at-bats on TV. I do hope Pujols never juiced though...
because in general whether a lot of people abused steroids or it was only a select few, steroid use remains a crime against the sport and against the fans... especially the children who grow up wanting to be like these guys and eventually learn that they need to damage their bodies to do so.
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I'm pretty sure we're going to find out in the coming days that A-Rod is an HGH user too. I hate to be like this because I actually like A-Rod but we know he's a steroid cheat and if he was willing to use PEDs in 2003 there's no reason to believe he wouldn't use a substance that can't be tested for even as late as last season. This doctor is connected with HGH so unfortunately, I have to believe A-Rod has some connection as well. I'm sure he was just using it as part of the 'healing' process though...
For Alex's sake, I hope he just puts everything on the table this time. If he says his connection with this guy was strictly through knowing somebody who works with him and it turns out to be more than that, this will be a bigger headache than he (and the Yankees for that matter) need. Time for Cashman to sit down with this guy and ask him, "hey idiot, how many more surprises are going to come up?" because this is starting to get ridiculous. There is always something with A-Rod.