Yankees Chick - the site, not the person - was out of commission for nearly THREE DAYS due to some miscreant/reprobate DELETING this beautiful baby (silence), causing it to vanish from the internet entirely. Who was it, you might ask? An angry Red Sox fan? A jilted lover? A family member that found out that I occasionally make fun of them on here? Tis a mystery, one for the ages indeed. Luckily the heroes over at Google were able to recover the wonder that is Yankees Chick (again, the site, not the person.... and since I was in a panic over this stupid site for 2 days, humor me and pretend it is a wondrous blog and you missed it greatly), so I am back to annoy you with a ton of content to make up for the past two days! Here's what's on tap for today:- Top Ten Tuesdays: Baseball Criminals!
- A-Rod and Boras trouble in relationship paradise
- Santanamania update
- Some other crap about steroids or something
Thank you to all of you who sent me emails asking if I was OK and making sure YC wasn't gone forever - that means a lot to me; I like to delude myself into thinking this site is important to some folks! Labels: happy time |
Welcome back YC.
Unbelievable that some hacker would do that to you. Good to see you were able to recover everything and get back to business.