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A-Roid |
Saturday, February 07, 2009 |
Everybody, remain calm. In the face of disaster, it's best to try not to panic.
I am speaking, of course, of the latest chapter in the tale of A-Rod's "Long and Awkward Journey to Complete Mental Breakdown." This morning Sports Illustrated reported that four sources who had been a part of the (supposedly) anonymous MLB drug testing in 2003 had independently confirmed that A-Rod was among the 104 players who tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs during the survey. And we ain't talking about a little HGH to heal from an injury (not that I condone that either, Pettitte): he tested positive for testosterone and an anabolic steroid called Primobolan.
The 2003 survey was done under conditions of anonymity with no threat of punishment; the goal was to determine whether the MLB needed to put a strict testing-and-penalty program into effect. After finding that 104 players - about 5% of the MLB - were using banned substances, such a policy went into effect in 2004. The identities of the 104 Cheatie McCheatersons were supposed to remain classified with the lab that performed the tests, but the results were seized by federal agents in April 2004 during the BALCO investigation* (don't get confused, though: A-Rod has never been linked to BALCO. Yet.). One of the drugs allegedly found in A-Rod's peepee was Primobolan, which was very popular in 2003 largely because players didn't have to take it for as long as others and it was detectable in the system for less time.
In case you don't recall, the 2003 season was a good one for A-Rod. He won his 3rd straight AL home run title (with 47) and his first (of 3) MVP awards, and convinced the Yanks they must have him. It was a truly impressive year, but I have a feeling A-Rod might not be looking back on it as fondly now that he knows that WE know what HE KNEW.
Get that?
Since the MLB implemented the new testing and punishment system in 2004, A-Rod has never tested positive and has never really been thought of as one of the many juicers in his era. In fact, quite the opposite: he was often looked at as the au natural super-player who was going to rescue baseball's records and dignity from the clutches of Bonds et al. I know I certainly felt a little better about Bonds breaking the all-time home run record last year because I "knew" that A-Rod would be setting the "real" record in a few years. The Yankees were also pretty jazzed on the idea of ensuring that all those records were enshrined in pinstripes when they created A-Rod's new contract in 2007; it contains clauses that allow him to earn a $6 million bonus each time he ties one of the four players at the top of the list and an additional $6 million for eventually passing Bonds. Whether people loved him or hated him, regardless of what he did or didn't do in the playoffs, or how much he stalked the Jeet, it was pretty much agreed upon in the sports world that A-Rod was the hardest working talent in the game and was destined to prove that all those feats the juicers accomplished COULD be done with raw talent and batting practice.
In response to the allegations, A-Rod advised reporters to talk to the Players Union. I'd advise A-Rod to get on the horn with his manager and start working on two things: a) a public apology, and b) a lawsuit against whoever leaked the now non-anonymous (ymous? nonymous?) test results. Both are of vital importance at this juncture: an honest apology complete with some tears and well-rehearsed remorseful facial expressions could salvage an ounce or two of dignity and maybe a few forgiving fans (I know I for one am a forgiving gal), and the lawsuit because the offending test results were promised to be confidential - such was the agreement between the MLB and the Players Union when A-Rod consented to the test. He might as well profit off this gossip as "well, he has a lot of money" might wind up being the only thing he'll have going for him in a few years.
* It's all Barry Bonds' faultLabels: a-rod trouble, sketchy, steroids, you make me sick |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, February 07, 2009   |
I hope he eventually still makes the Hall of Fame, he's one of this generation's best players regardless. And who WASN'T taking steroids in 2003?
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! This could be the greatest off-season in baseball history! The Yankees blow a billion dollars on garbage and A-Roid is officially a giant douchebag!!!! HAHAHHAHA!!!!
a billion dollars on garbage? If CC, Tex, and Burnett are garbage, then what players are valuable? Varitek? HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
"And who WASN'T taking steroids in 2003?"
LOL, hardly the point. He's not just a juicer, he's also a liar, a la Clemens.
To Katie Couric: "I've never felt overmatched on the baseball field. I've always been a very strong, dominant position. And I felt that if I did my work as I've done since I was, you know, a rookie back in Seattle, I didn't have a problem competing at any level. So, no," when asked directly if he'd ever done steroids.
Doper and liar, on par with other such Yankee luminaries as Giambi, Clemens, and Pettitte. Torre was wrong. ARoid fits in great in that cheating, lying country club you all worship so much.
First off, who the hell are the other 103 people that failed and why was only Arod's name leaked (oh yeah, it's cool to hate the Yanks) and where is anyone from the union or MLB front office on this? Shouldn't they have something to say about this?
I love how every sports writer in America is foaming at the mouth on this one. They already have him pegged as guilty and boy are they enjoying it.
The question still remains, is the info legit. IF it is, was it an ego thing like with Bonds, was it over-compensating to make up for the fact he was a one man show on a horrible tram?
Hey bloated, first off, Giambi started doping in Oakland. It was that "enhanced performance" that helped dupe the Yanks into that massive contract. Clemens was doping before he got to the Bronx too. As for Petitte, it was supposedly just HGH to recover from an injury. Not that it makes it right but...
I love how so many try and make this a Yankees issue when it is in fact a baseball issue. It makes sense to me that if everyone of Big Macs understudies doped then Pujols may very well be or have doped.
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I hope he eventually still makes the Hall of Fame, he's one of this generation's best players regardless. And who WASN'T taking steroids in 2003?