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Potent Notables |
Friday, June 29, 2007 |
The Yanks finally returned to their own familiar stomping grounds today to play the A's, and yours truly trekked out to the Bronx to watch what I hoped would be their first win in 7 days. Luckily they did not disappoint, shaking up the status quo by actually grabbing and maintaining the lead for longer than half an inning! I failed yet again to acquire a home run ball or hit Farnsworthless over the head with a frying pan, but a good time was still had. Interested? Here's what went on tonight. - Unlike the last game I went to, I attended this game in the company of another human being. Michael from www.bostonsucks.net was kind enough to take pity on the poor friendless Yankees Chick and offered me a ticket. As a token of my appreciation, I implore all of you to go buy one of his shirts.
- This was my first experience sitting in the infamous Section 39, and now that I've experienced it I don't see how I could ever sit anywhere else! The cheering, the chanting...It was like watching the game with a bunch of rowdy friends. If I had friends.
- Apparently "suck" is an inappropriate word in Yankees Stadium (and not just in the dirty context you are thinking of, get your mind out of the gutter). A chant of "box seats suck" was incited by a Bleacher Creature and he was promptly removed from the stadium; later, some hooligans sang "S-U-C-K" instead of "YMCA" and one of them was kicked out as well. According to the handsome Irish cop (complete with sexy accent!) manning the area near me, some pc-nazi (see what I did there? That is clever, don't try to deny it) wrote a letter complaining that the word is offensive. Blimey!
- The cheese fries I so enjoyed last time were nowhere to be found anywhere in the vicinity of the bleachers. I could probably make the same thing at home with a bag of frozen french fries and some Velveeta, but where is the fun in that?
- Moose looked better than he has all season. He's spent the first half of the season right on the brink of my "out" list, but he pitched splendidly and gave the bullpen a rest. If Farnsworthless wasn't so worthless Mariano could have pitched just the 9th, but having to get the extra out in the 8th didn't prove too taxing.
The only downside to the day (aside from the lack of cheese fries) was the fact that Texas failed to beat Boston. Why won't they just lose like I asked them to? |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, June 29, 2007   |
Still Only 97% Sickened! |
My dear friends/enemies/family/Yankees players (don’t deny that you read this, Mr. Pavano), it’s only the end of June, but I feel like this season has been dragging on for 5 years already. The roller coaster ride has induced in me a severe case of situational-onset bipolar disorder stemming the Yankees’ continued swings from one side of the spectrum (amazing team packed with talent scoring 8 runs a game) to the other (bunch of losers wasting my time and that of the opposing team); my brain is exhausted from the rapid swings from joy to hope to disgust to apathy. I’ve made a concerted effort to keep my disgust in check here on the bloggity, encouraging myself to seek out positive aspects of the season (for instance, the fact that the game was suspended yesterday and therefore the Orioles did not have a chance to come back and possibly force the Yanks into another loss…I’ll take “good news” wherever I can get it, folks) so as to maintain some semblance of a balance between bitching and pathetic optimism, but that plan is getting dicey.
The Yanks are currently 3 games under .500 and 11 games behind the Red Sox with just 87 games left to play – and as the former Vice President of the La Canada High School Math Club (don’t think I haven’t considered putting that accomplishment on my resume) I can tell you that they will need to win 45 of the remaining games just to hit .500, and if the Sox continue winning at the same pace they currently are (mathematically possible but not probable given JD Drew’s and Schilling’s propensity for injuries and the powerful hex I cast upon them), the Yanks would need to win 66 to top them. I think that the Yankees could reasonably hope to win approximately 50 of the remaining 87 games, which would put them at about .531 for the season, but even if the Sox do falter a bit during the 2nd half of the season it will be tough for the Yanks to take the division.
Now, before you assume that this is solely a bitching post, allow me to assure you that I am in no way throwing in the towel! The wild card is still up for grabs, and there is no reason that the Yankees can’t make a run for that. Rasner, Karstens, and Hughes should make their way back from DL-ville at some point later this summer, and maybe Damon will even remember how to hit (or run, or throw…). There’s also always the chance that our pitching and offense COULD show up on the same day for once, but I wouldn’t bet on that just yet. For now, let’s just concentrate on thinking positive. Oh, and getting through the next month without losing another player to the DL.
Labels: bitching, red sox rivalry |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, June 29, 2007   |
Won't Somebody PLEASE Think of the Children?! |
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 |
Figure 1: Yankees
We're living in troubled times, my friends. The Yankees have made a return trip to Loserville during this pathetic road trip, and as usual, the losses have incited another rash of the dreaded emergency trade talk. While we all hate to see our beloved team struggle like a turtle on its back (see fig. 1 above), sometimes there's nothing we can do but sit back and let the poor little thing try to right itself. Granted, if I saw an actual turtle on its back I can assure you that I would run like the wind to get the appropriate turtle-flipping apparatus (I'm referring to one of those 200-year-old, 400lb Darwin turtles; contrary to what my video blogs may lead you to believe, I do not have the muscles of a roided up slugger and therefore would most likely require some sort of turtle-flipping machine to put one of those huge suckers back on its belly), but the notion of making an 11th hour trade to try to salvage the season seems as futile as me demanding that the YES Network put me up in the booth with Ken and Paul. The latest folks to be brought up as potential trade bait in the wide world of internet rumors (AKA “stuff people make up”) are various members of the White Sox (another team that has taken up residence in Loserville), namely Dye, Buerhle, Konerko, and Contreras. The White Sox have been playing poorly all season and have apparently wisely decided to give up entirely and trade off all their players to stockpile young prospects that will be more useful to the team’s future. I commend them for taking this approach and recognizing that they will not be making the 2007 post-season and instead using the opportunity to trade for prospects at a time when many teams will sell their farm to acquire a veteran. Any of the aforementioned White Sox could be a boon to the Yankees – another pitcher would do wonders for the team, and a first baseman would be quite a delight – but the White Sox know that they are in a seller’s market and will not surrender any player for anything short of the very best prospects. If the Yankees were to make an attempt to acquire any one of them, it is very unlikely that the Sox would accept any deal that did not involve Phillip Hughes and Ian Kennedy (the Yanks’ 2005 first round draft pick), in addition to other farmhands. I’ve mentioned my distaste for last-ditch-effort trades in the past, and a trade like this would most definitely fit right in on my hate list. Selling off the farm would be the worst possible move the Yanks could make at this point. If the Yankees don't make the post-season this year, it will certainly not be because they didn’t get one of these White Sox; their failure can be blamed on a number of faults but one player cannot make or break the team. Losing the farm that Cashman has taken the last several years to painstakingly build up to something more than a barren wasteland, on the other hand, would have a major impact on the future of the club. The Yankees have made this mistake in the past (many, many, many times…) and I would not be surprised if Big Stein suddenly woke up from his coma (he has been quiet lately, so I assume he must be physically incapable of speech) and demanded that a trade be made immediately. The prospect of a Yankee-free post-season will not be tolerated by Steinbrenner regardless of the cost. I can only hope that Cashman can explain the science behind the "future" and "big picture" concepts to Stein before its too late. Labels: bitching, farm hands, rumors |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, June 27, 2007   |
Tell Us Something NEW |
Saturday, June 23, 2007 |
Judging by the optimistic smile on Mitch's face, it is clear that this picture was taken several years ago. Selig, on the other hand, is wearing the expression of a man smart enough to know that no one would cooperate with Mitch's "investigation"
In the wake of his now infamous little chat with USA Today back in May, Giambi has spent the past month not just on the DL but in Buddy Sielig's hot seat. Buddy and his buddy ex-senator Mitchell have been on their knees begging players to give them some scoop on steroid use for the past few years to no avail, but after threatening Giambi with possible "disciplinary action" (I can't decide if that sounds dirty or not... ok, it does) it looks like they have finally wrangled a player into talking to them. Giambi officially agreed to have a sit-down with Mitch some time in July and has promised to divulge all the details of his own steroid use/abuse, but he has pledged not to discuss any information he knows about the steroid use of any other player. While I suppose it is a credit to Giambi's character that he won't be throwing any of his co-cheaters under the bus, I must admit that his refusal to do so makes this whole story completely uninteresting. We already know Giambi dabbled in a little drug use (and by "dabbled" I mean "used...a lot", and by "drug" I mean "cheater juice"), so I don't even know what other revelations Bud and Mitch hope to become privy to. Since no one has ever agreed to help Mitchy out with his steroid investigation, he and Buddy are thrilled to have finally conned someone into cooperating, but I cannot fathom what help Giambi will really be if he is only going to talk about himself. The best-case scenario for Mitch would be if Giambi will give up his sources and implicate the people responsible for supplying him with the goods - - - but even if Mitch & Co. had that information, would they have the legal grounds to force further information out of those suppliers, since the investigation isn't one mandated or governed by any court? That sounds like a question for Daddy Yankees Chick, who, besides looking exactly like David Wells* is also a lawyer and may have some insight on the subject. In any event, I certainly hope whatever Giambi does divulge will be made public ASAP, because who doesn't enjoy hearing dirty details about cheating, however insignificant they may be? On second thought, who am I kidding? If Giambi can't keep his yapper shut during an interview with USA Today, why the hell would he be able to keep quiet during a conversation with Mitch? I've got 10 bucks that says Giambi ends up incriminating at least 2 other players and a high-profile doctor/supplier.
*My dad really does look like Boomer. Also, they both have gout. Classy.
Labels: sketchy, steroids |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, June 23, 2007   |
Slammin' Sammy Smacks a Somer (I'm sorry, I had to keep the alliteration) |
Sammy hit #600 earlier this week (interestingly, against his old team while playing for his original team!), making him one of just 5 players to rack up that many homers. The instant that ball went over the wall, every sports writer, blogger, commentator and fan sprung into debate mode to argue whether Sammy's numbers make him an automatic Hall of Fame candidate or if his possible participation in the Cheaters Club should exempt him. I don't claim to be an expert on the matter, but since you're already here (again, I apologize for the fact that my site somehow came up on page 1 of your Google search for "who is the mystery blonde A-Rod was photographed with?"), perhaps you'd like to take a moment to see what I think of the situation. Labels: steroids, video |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, June 23, 2007   |
Graphic for Tickets Contest Update |
Update 6/27/07: Congratulations to Greg E. from California! I have chosen Greg's submission as my new banner, and I will be posting it on here soon. Thank you to everyone that emailed - I received so many great and catchy ideas! I really appreciate the support and I will certainly enlist your help again for future renovations!
For all of you who have been waiting for an announcement regarding the winner for my " Help The Yankees Chick and Win Game Tickets!" contest, rest assured that the winner will be announced shortly. I received a bushel of ideas and I'm actually still sifting through them, but I will select the winner by midnight on Monday. The response to this contest has been amazing, and I'd like to extend a hearty THANK YOU to everyone that sent me their ideas. Stay tuned next week to see the winning banner!!
Labels: contests |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, June 23, 2007   |
Those Other 29 Teams |
Friday, June 22, 2007 |
See? I told you there were other teams! Contrary to popular belief, the Yankees are not the only team in the MLB. In fact, there are 29 other teams in the league, each with their own stars, failures, ups, downs, and even fans! I spend quite a bit of time and bandwidth discussing the goings-on of Yankeeville, seeing as how I am the Yankees Chick, but much like how a pop music radio station is mandated to allocate a certain percentage of their airtime to news, I feel compelled to examine the state of the other teams. Since there are so many of them and such little time (the Yankees Chick does need to go to work on occasion, regrettably), I'm going to limit my analyzes to 10 words or less per team. Ready to rumble? Let's do this thing!
AL East AKA Boston and a bunch of losers (Yanks included...) Boston (46-25): 2 inuries away from serious trouble. Pray for it. Toronto (34-37): Injuries galore. No really, a lot. Tampa Bay (31-39): Another year with no chance in division. Sad, no? Baltimore (31-41): No manager. No Girardi. No winning. No division title. Goodbye.
AL Central Don't take the wild card spot, its our only hope. Cleveland (42-29): On a roll! Division title in their future? Detroit (42-29): 4 hitting over .300, 4 with 10+ homers. Not bad! Minnesota (36-34): Santana amazing; free agent after next year. Yankee in 2009?? Chicago (29-39): Holy shit Ozzie has NO internal censor. Kansas City (29-44): There's only so much Meche can do.
AL West you need one more team Los Angeles (46-27): We should have gone for Vladdy, not Sheff Oakland (39-32): Offense=yikes. Pitching=pure golden magic Seattle (37-32): Having fun with Jeff Weaver?! Muahahahhahahahhaha Texas (28-44): I kinda like Sammy. Congrats on an uncorked 600.
NL East the competition is getting interesting... New York (38-32): What happened here? Losing like the Yanks now. Atlanta (38-35): Bobby should say "fuck it. New goal: 200 ejections" Philadelphia (37-35): Howard, pick it up. I'm not impressed yet. Florida (35-39): Youngsters as far as the eye can see. Washington (30-42): Owner?
NL Central you have one too many teams Milwuakee (41-31): Crushing the division. Post-season seems like sure thing. St. Louis (32-37): How did you win the World Series? You're not good. Chicago: Mandatory anger management classes, stat. Houston (31-41): Lidge makes me a little bit sad. Pittsburgh (31-41): Chacon is kinda good and versatile. Thanks for 2006. Cincinnatti (28-45): Griffey is classy (jockstrap...?) and still playing like a champ.
NL West hey, the perennially weak division ain't looking too shabby in 2007! San Diego (41-31): Best pitching in MLB, bottom line. Arizona (42-31): Hahahaha Unit injured again. Los Angeles (41-31): Schmidt out for season, Pierre just mediocre. October chances? Undetermined. Colorado (38-34): Humidor. San Francisco (30-41): Bonds at 748. Record imminent, hurry up already.Labels: other teams, rest o' the league round-up |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, June 22, 2007   |
Grumble! |
Thursday, June 21, 2007 |
I think the Rockies must have had the Humidor set too high. Yeah, that must be it. I just don't understand this team.
After 2 weeks of championship-like play against Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Arizona and the Mets, the Yankees went to Colorado to play in the best hitters park in the league and only managed to score 5 runs in 3 games. They gained quite a bit of ground on the Sox during their hot streak - cutting Boston's lead down to 7.5 at one point - but after this embarrassing sweep they are 10.5 games out again. To be fair, the Rockies have been playing well lately, so it is not as if the Yanks got swept by a team with a .400 record, but they had a big opportunity to show off their offense and simply failed to capitalize. They left New York on the highest note of the season after having won 11 of their last 12 games, and a couple wins in Colorado would have thrown their record to several games north of .500 and kept them in contention with the Sox.
Losing a series in such disappointing fashion is disheartening, but if the Yanks can recapture an ounce of the spirit the were playing with last week and hang onto it through the summer, I still maintain that they have a chance at a post-season shot. They're going to need that fighting spirit big time for the immediate future: Kei Igawa is joining the roster for tomorrow's game in San Francisco. Dust off those #29 jerseys and bust out your rally hat!
Labels: you make me sick |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Thursday, June 21, 2007   |
Musical Chairs! |
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 |
There was a time, my friends, not so long ago, when the Yankees employed what was known as an "everyday first baseman". Yes, the very idea sounds foreign and thus moderately frightening to us now, but at one time this was considered common practice. This year, due to Giambi's injuries (and utter lack of defensive talent), Torre and his gang decided to forgo the old "one job, one employee" method in favor of a platoon of first base candidates that could take turns manning the infield while that handy DH rule allowed Giambi to remain in the lineup for offensive purposes. Perhaps that idea had some promise in its most abstract form, but suffice it to say that the platoon plan has not turned out to be quite the majestic innovation envisioned by Torre. The Yankees season has been one of fluctuation, a veritable roller coaster of bad luck and comebacks, and the first base position has proved to be no exception. Its only June, and 5 Yanks have cycled through the first base machine, including Jorgie Posada, who gave it a reluctant shot last night, and a 6th first baseman is joining the roster tonight. This latest addition, none other than our own Andy Phillips, comes with a mission: Torre intends to use him not as a part of a 542863-man platoon but as an honest-to-goodness everyday man. I certainly hope that this works out, because the Yanks could benefit greatly from some stability. In hopes that our platoon days are behind us (although I am not blind enough to wholeheartedly believe that...), let's remember the fallen first basemen we've left behind on our road to Andy Phillips:
Jason Giambi: He played just 2 games at 1st this season; luckily his "defensive services" were not really necessary because of the other folks on this list. Congratulations to him, though, for not making a single error during those 14 innings!
Miguel Cairo: As the most recent occupant of the first base slot, Cairo has actually proved himself to be quite serviceable defensively. He's played 12 games there this season without error and has even saved A-Rod and Jeter from committing errors with his surprising range. His skills at the plate are just not good enough to warrant keeping him in the lineup on a daily basis, though: .246 average, .299 OBP, and just 5 RBI. Back to the bench with him.
Josh Phelps: I like Josh, and he showed great offensive promise during spring training, but his defense isn't great (3 errors in 29 games this season) and his offense has really tapered off since spring. He was DFA earlier this week to make room for Andy Phillips, meaning he could be picked up by someone else. We'll see - he could resurface someday.
Doug Mientkicantspellhisname: Dougie is my personal fave, largely because he genuinely seems to be a nice guy. Like Cairo, he unfortunately doesn't bring much to the team offensively, but his range and defense as a whole is good enough to keep him in the lineup. Mike Lowell put an end to that for the time being when he so cruelly smashed his bulbous knee right into Dougie's face ("accidentally"... suuuuuuuuuure).
Jorgie Posada: He's played a few games at 1st over the course of his career (17 before last night), making just 1 error at that post back in 2000. Since his bat is so hot right now Torre understandably does not want to leave him out of the lineup; generally he'd put him in the DH spot to give his knees a rest from catching for a day, but in these interleague games that’s obviously not an option. Jorgie has made it pretty clear that he's not too keen on playing first, and since dear Nieves is like a lost little child when he comes up to bat, I highly doubt we'll be seeing more of Jorgie at first base this season other than perhaps the occasional interleague game.
As for Phillips, who missed a large portion of spring training to take care of his ailing mom and subsequently lost his roster spot to Phelps, he's had a great year down in AAA, hitting .301 with 11 homers and 36 RBIs. Torre seems confident in his defense, saying "my recollection of Philly is pretty darned good over there at first base". Let's hope he's right and that AP does us all proud... if he is a bust, I'm guessing the Yankees will start rotating every player on the roster into the spot for the remainder of the season.
Labels: injuries, Mientkicantspellhisname, roster moves, spring training |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, June 20, 2007   |
It's a Multimediatastic Sunday! |
Sunday, June 17, 2007 |
If you're not a fan of reading or just too hung over from celebrating the Yanks win yesterday to coordinate your optical muscles for longer than 30 seconds, today is your day! Reading the barely coherent mess I somehow pass off as "writing" doesn't take much brain power, but watching and listening to me takes even less effort.
If video is what you prefer, take a gander at my latest installment of Yankeeschickography, in which I discuss Mariano's and Trevor's closing chops.
Should you truly be too lazy to even utilize your retinas for the 3 minutes it takes to watch my videos (perhaps you wasted all your energy reading this post), fear not: I shall be on the radio this evening as usual. Tonight's segment will be extra special though, as I will be partaking in a little good-natured trivia contest with my Mets blogging counterpart Tracy, who writes over at domewright.com. Host Mike Silva will be asking each of us questions about our fave teams to see which one of us gals knows her team better. Tune in at about 10:32 tonight to listen and root for the Yankees Chick! If you miss it, I'll have the archive up in my super-sweet radio section sometime tomorrow. Labels: radio, video |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, June 17, 2007   |
Reminder: Tickets for Graphic Contest |
Folks, this is just a reminder that you have just 12 or so hours left to submit your ideas for my "help the artistically-inept Yankees Chick" contest. For a refresher on what I'm looking for and what the prize is (I'll give you a hint: it's tickets to a game), click here. I've already received a bunch of GREAT ideas, and I'll be going through them all beginning tomorrow. If I have any trouble picking a winner I'll post a couple of my favorites here on the blog and allow you lovelies to vote. Keep those email rolling in! Labels: contests |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, June 17, 2007   |
Potent Notables |
Saturday, June 16, 2007 |
Although 'twas disappointing to see the Yanks win streak brought to an end last night (and helping the Mets snap their losing streak did not feel particularly swell either), the Yankees didn't seem to miss a beat today. I had mentioned yesterday that with the Yanks' collective fragile emotional construct they have a propensity to waver after any vestige of past failures reemerges, but they assuaged my fears today by scoring 11 runs and not allowing some pitching missteps to ruin their resolve. I was lucky enough to be in attendance at Yankee Stadium today, and while I didn't catch any fly balls or manage to sneak into the clubhouse, I did have a lovely day. In case you missed the excitement or just want to hear about my time at the game, here's what went down this afternoon: - First off, I went to the game alone. When I first arrived I was a bit concerned that I might feel awkward sitting at the game solo, but the experience taught me a lot about myself. For instance, I learned that I don't need friends with me to yell at strangers; in fact, starting fights with Mets fans might be even more exhilarating with no one to back you up. Also, I didn't have to share my cheese fries with anyone.
- One of the gals walking around selling cotton candy bent over and had a tattoo of the Yanks logo on her lower back. I am not anti-tattoo (I may or may not have a couple myself...), but that is some serious dedication.
- Both A-Rod and Jeter hit 2-run blasts, but the cheering for A-Rod was resoundingly stronger than it was for Jeet (this is not to say that people weren't going wild for Jeter as well, of course). I'm not sure if we can chock that up to the timing of the homers or if the fans really are supporting A-Rod these days, but I found it interesting.
- There was some very strange weather surrounding the Bronx today. When I arrived at the stadium it was about 90 degrees, I was sweating like mad (I'm sorry for that frightening visual) and happily paid $4.50 for a 24oz bottle of water. Just 2 hours later it was pouring rain and we were forced to endure a 30+ minute rain delay, which apparently is just a code name for "corral 55,000 people into a series of hallways where there is nothing to do but shove each other and buy $10 beers".
- Kyle Farnsworthless really is a chump. I just cannot stand that man. They had him on the Jumbotron thingy giving out a trivia question or something of the sort, and I nearly vomited the aforementioned delish cheese fries onto the head of the Mets fan sitting in front of me.
- Mariano really did make me nervous in the 9th. I hate to admit that, but that whole inning was a mess.
Too bad Boston won, too. Come on, Bonds: Tomorrow would be a good time to knock a few homers in. Labels: a-rod support, happy time, jeter jeter pumpkin eater |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, June 16, 2007   |
For The Love of God, Don't Mess This Up |
Friday, June 15, 2007 |
The Yankees have been through some tough times this year, suffering just about every setback a team can endure - more Carl Pavano heartbreak (I'm still pretty convinced we should blame Alissa Milano for this one, simply because her last name rhymes with Pavano and anyone can see that such a cutesy sounding couple could mean nothing but trouble), freak injuries, and the sudden inexplicable inability to take a walk are just a sampling of the pain we've been witness to. It's been quite a while since the Yanks could make this claim, but perhaps that makes the reality that much sweeter: The Yankees are officially an above average team!The Yanks reached the .500 mark after their win on Tuesday and the win on Wednesday finally put them into the black; last night's win took their hot streak to 9 in a row and 2 games over. Better still, the Red Sox are finally losing ( thank you, Lord Bloody Sock), putting the Yanks just 7.5 games out in the division. A 7.5 game spread between the Yanks and Sox may still sound like a lot to overcome, but when one remembers the fact that just 2 weeks ago they were trailing by closer to 15 games, anything under 10 starts sounding pretty damn good. As I mentioned in Monday's video blog, I feel that we can attribute the Yanks recent success to a simple attitude adjustment (to borrow a phrase from a militant gym teacher the Yankees Chick suffered through 7th grade with...), and while I am eternally greatful for these recent wins, I must confess that the pessimist in me fears that the spirit the Yanks have been playing with could disappear as quickly as it graced them. We've seen that these boys are as sensitive as a schoolgirl being chased by a boy intent on giving her cooties (me again, sorry), so the threat remains that if an injury or bad loss were to come their way, the morale could take another nosedive. For this weekend's Subway Series, I aim to put my fears out of mind and hope that the Yanks keep rolling forward with these wins. The sweeps of the Pirates and D-Backs were great, but taking the series from the Mets would take this sweet morale to a whole new level. Labels: happy time, pavano must die |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, June 15, 2007   |
Help The Yankees Chick and Win Game Tickets! |
Sunday, June 10, 2007 |
As you may have inferred from the mind-numbingly boring layout of this blog or the obviously MSPaint-crafted banner across the top, I am not an artist (or a writer, for that matter, but let's leave that one alone for now) any more than Carl Pavano is a pitcher. I have made a concerted effort to spruce things up around here in hopes that when you flee my blog it will be because of my writing and not because the site is difficult to navigate or offensively hideous. Sadly, since I do not possess an ounce of artistic talent, I believe I've gone as far as I can go in terms of beautification, so I am looking to YOU for some graphical assistance.For the next step in my blog rejuvenation project, I would love to put a new banner/logo across the top. I cannot make one due to the aforementioned lack of talent, but I have faith that someone out there in the wide world of Yankees Chick fans (I know there are 3 of you out there...) has an eye for graphics and some sweet photoshop skills. If you are a logo master and want to help me out, I am prepared to reward you with a pair of tickets to a Yankees home game - or tickets to whatever team is closest to your home, should you not be a New Yorker. Details:- The current banner is 890 x 202. Since the rest of the blog is laid out around that size, I'd like the new one to be in that neighborhood as well.
- You are under no obligation to use my picture or my delightfully alliterative (albeit untrue) subtitle. In fact, that picture is almost 2 years old, and the subtitle is packed with lies: I am no longer brunette, I never was a babe, and there really isn't any "news" on here, unless you count me talking about stuff that happened days ago. Feel free to craft something new.
Contest Info:- Email me a .psd of your creation any time before Sunday, June 17
- Your entry need not be a final draft. Just send a mock-up of a cool idea.
- Don't photoshop me into a picture with Pedro Martinez or Papi. It won't be funny.
Reward!- Should your submission be deemed the most unique and visually appealing banner of the bunch, the Yankees Chick shall bestow upon you 2 tickets to an MLB game. You can choose the team and the date and I will send you the tickets. Exception: you will not be receiving tickets to a Mets or Red Sox series. The Yankees Chick is not rich.
- In addition to the tickets, you will receive a credit on the blog. I am fortunate enough to get a decent amount of traffic (mostly from google searches for "a-rod stray-rod" and "does derek jeter have a girlfriend?"), so a link on my site may garner you 4 additional visitors per calendar year.
- Legal mumbojumbo: As soon as you submit your idea, you have given it to me and I can use it. I am a nice and honest person, though, so you can rest assured that I will not be doing anything with your images unless you win.
Please email info@yankeeschick.com with any questions.... I shall wait with bated breath for your emails! Labels: contests |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, June 10, 2007   |
A Hot Streak and the Rocket Relaunch (and let's ignore my use of one of the most obnoxious alliterative puns in modern history) |
Saturday, June 09, 2007 |
The Yankees have been waiting all season for some good mojo - the kind that lasts longer than 1 game - and, knock on wood, it seems that they are finally playing with some fighting spirit and it is paying off. They're rocking a 5-game winning streak, averaging 6.77 runs per game so far this month, and are inching ever closer to that elusive .500 mark that has loomed in the distant horizon for quite some time now. I hesitate to proclaim optimism, because it seems that my forays into the adoption of such a mindset are quickly followed by another Yankees downswing (see here, here, and here for a sampling of said optimism; if you check the dates of those posts you will get a chuckle at the near immediate subsequent return to failure) , but I fear this bloggity is in danger of becoming a stagnant wasteland of bitching (as opposed to a stagnant wasteland of poorly-written content representing the entire spectrum of moods, which is what I aim for). There has been much more in the way of bad luck to chat about than good news this season, which has made discussing positive aspects of the Yanks' season difficult. Now that they've been playing well and have enjoyed a few injury-free days, let's seize this opportunity to gather 'round the fire and talk about the good times. - They've won their last 3 series - 2 out of 3 in Boston, 3 out of 4 in Chicago, and now 2 in a row against the Pirates at home (if they win tomorrow, it will be a sweep! shhhh... don't jinx it).
- Mariano is looking much better. In his last 10 games he's pitched to the tune a 0.79 ERA, earning 4 saves and a win and giving up just 1 run.
- The bullpen has gotten a bit of rest courtesy of Mr. Wang's complete game (which, incidentally, was also excellent for my fantasy team) and Mr. Pettitte's 8-innings last night.
- Cairo has been showing some defensive chops at first base.... and his batting average isn't under .200 yet.
- Melky's defense has been a beautiful sight to behold.
- They picked wisely in the draft, going with a pitcher and catcher in the first 2 rounds. MLB draft picks can take a while to make it to the major league level and it's often hard to predict how any of the picks will perform in the future, but they were smart to jump on a young catcher early.
- Roger's first start for the Yanks since 2003 went off without a hitch today. He didn't bust out a perfect game by any means, but he went 6 innings (rather than the 5 many people - myself included - have assumed he would) and struck out 7. His effect on the mood of the team and fans alike is as valuable as his pitching, and better yet, now that he has finally pitched a game ESPN can stop saying "Rocket Relaunch".
I don't know about you folks, but thinking about those positive Yankees developments has put me in a delightful mood. Now let's just cross our fingers that the Yankees don't have their usual response to my optimism and start crashing and burning again tomorrow. Labels: happy time |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, June 09, 2007   |
Good Thing He Has Plenty of Free Time Now |
Thursday, June 07, 2007 |
Giambi and the Yankees got bad news last week when doctors discovered that his injury woes of late were caused by a case of plantar fasciitis (and really, who among us hasn't suffered from a case of PF?), but it looks like Giambi may have bigger fish to fry than the pain in his plantar region. Apparently, Bud Selig and Senator-turned-antisteroid-activist George Mitchell didn’t find Giambi’s frank chat with USA Today a couple weeks ago as amusing (or, in my opinion, endearing and refreshingly candid) as many of us onlookers did. Selig, who for years has pretended to not know what a steroid was, why one might use them, or where one might obtain them (I’ll give you a hint: it starts with a “B” and ends in an “ALCO”), reacted to the story by uncharacteristically considering/suggesting/threatening the possibility of slapping down some sort of punishment on the Giambino for his admission to using some sort of substance to augment his skull-tattooed arm muscles. Since Giambi never failed a drug test or admitted to using any particular substance and did not specify whether he used the unnamed juicing agent before or after the 2003 survey testing went into affect, there doesn’t seem to be any reasonable proof that Buddy Boy would be able to cite as grounds for suspension or other penalties, but that hasn’t stopped him from trying to extract some juicy gossip out of Giambi: he’s asked him to meet with Mitchell and tell him everything he knows about juicing. Ex-Sen Mitchell’s ongoing steroids “investigation” – and I use quotes because he has scrounged up about as much information as the US found for WMD’s in Iraq (zero) – hasn’t been very successful, since not a single player wants to chat with him about their alleged steroid use or that of a teammate, but Selig is angling to use Giambi’s candid remarks as an example to other players that Selig has suddenly decided to take a firm stance on any indication of illegal drug use by investigating and possibly reprimanding them. Unfortunately for Buddy Boy and the Mitch, the Players Association does not insist that the players cooperate, and the decision is up to Giambi. Personally, I am all for honesty and would love to hear all the details, especially if other players would do the same, but I can think of absolutely no reason that an active player like Giambi would choose to implicate himself legally in this investigation. On the other hand, he’s a known chatter and doesn’t have anything else to do this summer, so Mitch may find himself on the receiving end of hours upon hours of Giambi confessions. The last time I took a stance on Giambi and his propensity to answer questions honestly, a quality I appreciate and admire, I was met with a good deal of angry comments and more than a few nasty emails (about which I am not complaining, I welcome all varieties of hate mail). I still maintain my position that I appreciate the risk Giambi took by discussing the matter at all; the fact that he has apologized to his fans and encouraged others to do the same is a step in the right direction. As for meeting with Mitchell and disclosing further, more specific details, I'm torn. While I think it would be great fun to finally get some dirt on other players, I don't see why Giambi should have to sabotage himself in order for the information about other players to come to light. On the other hand, if he were to throw himself into the fire, the MLB might actually get enough information on BALCO or certain big-heads to actually DO something retroactively, though I don't know what could be done. What do YOU think?Labels: injuries, sketchy, steroids |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Thursday, June 07, 2007   |
You've Got To Be Kidding Me |
Sunday, June 03, 2007 |
Honestly, my friends/enemies/people that actually stumble upon this blog while Googling "Stray-Rod"... The Yanks are one injury away from me becoming convinced that some crafty and clearly nefarious Red Sox fans have turned to some variety of witchcraft to cast a hex upon the team. We've already muddled (with limited success) through injuries sustained by Matsui, Moose, Wang, Rasner, Karstens, Hughes (who, incidentally, injured his ankle while rehabbing his hammy and will likely not be available until the end of July), Damon, and of course the perennial hometown hero Carl Pavano, and the steady stream of bad bodily luck is showing no signs of slowing. Not one, not two, but three new injuries have afflicted the already hobbled Yanks this week.
Giambi was the first to go down, and while that was not particularly shocking - he's been wrestling with that pesky bone spur all season - the diagnosis and estimated time out came as a disappointment. It turns out that the trouble was not just a bone spur but plantar fasciitis and a partial tear of his plantar fascia, an injury that could sideline him for anywhere from 6 weeks to the remainder of the season - and with the Yankees' track record for injury recovery my guess would be that Giambi will miss the next 198 games. Injury #2 is a frightening-sounding fatigued groin affecting Mr. God-Please-Save-This-Team-You're-Our-Last-Hope  Clemens, which, while not (yet) a DL-necessitating injury, does push back his start date. He was slated to start tomorrow's game in Chicago, but after his workouts last week he determined that his poor groin was just too tired to make the start. The criminally overworked team of Yankees medical experts will be examining the Rocket this week to determine how much rest his exhausted groin will need before he can hop back on the mound and start pitching again. As disheartening as Giambi's foot trouble and Clemens' setback are, the injuries sustained by Mientkicantspellhisname  during yesterday's game at Fenway are the most heart-wrenching of this trifecta. Mienky was knocked down and out by reported off-season pal Mike Lowell's knee when Lowell was motoring in to 1st to beat out a double-play ball; he was wheeled out on a stretcher after laying motionless on the field for a few minutes and was later determined to have a mild concussion, cervical sprain and a fractured scaphoid bone in his right wrist. According to the ESPN announcers during today's game, he will probably be out for the next 6 weeks. Everyone seems to love Mienky, and its a bummer to lose our defensive first baseman to a pure accident. In a strange turn of events, there is a small part of me that feels that the injuries to Giambi and Mientky could force the Yankees to make some interesting moves. Damon was shown practicing at first base before the game today, indicating the possibility of him taking over at first at some point, putting Melky in the outfield on a daily basis. In that scenario, the Yanks would no longer be forfeiting offense in the lineup (sorry, Mientky....), but they would then have to either bring up a farmhand to play outfield and put Matsui in the DH role or even make a trade for an outfielder and/or DH. This is clearly pure speculation, but I will say that I like the idea of Damon out of centerfield - and I am looking for a silver lining.... Labels: bitching, injuries, Mientkicantspellhisname, pavano must die, red sox rivalry, you make me sick |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, June 03, 2007   |
I Don't Think You're Ready For This Jelly |
Saturday, June 02, 2007 |
The Yankees Chick is a very happy camper today, my lovelies, and not just because Mirabelli is such an incompetent moron. The Yanks' win and subsequent SURGE to just 12 1/2 games out in the division made for a swell start to my weekend, but today brings the commencement of a truly exciting journey as I embark on a 2-month adventure to NYC. I'm heading out east to work in CSTV's main office in Manhattan through August (it is said "real" job that prevents me from inundating this bloggity blog with posts chronicalling my every single hourly thought about the Yankees... Lucky for you!!), but I do plan on attending many games and hopefully tracking down (AKA stalking) Mr. Rodriguez so that I can be the next "mystery blonde" to be photographed with him. For all you folks out in NY, do not hesitate to invite me to a game, shower me with Yankees-related garb, or hook me up with A-Rod for a night of high-stakes hold-em... I'm game! Labels: a-rod support, happy time, red sox rivalry, shameless self-promotion |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, June 02, 2007   |
A-Rod: Watch This Video |
Friday, June 01, 2007 |
Lest you think I have neglected to comment on the latest A-Rod debacles, I have crafted a new video detailing my feelings about the issues and pleading for a reprieve from the media so that A-Rod can focus his delicate brain on baseball. Sadly, I have a very bad feeling that all this media attention will have the same effect it always does on poor Alex: the pressure will mount and he'll start to break down on the field and at the plate. Please help.
Labels: a-rod support, a-rod trouble, sketchy, video |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, June 01, 2007   |