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Hughes Gets a Vacation Trip to DL |
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 |
It's been a rough season for Phil Hughes. He's struggled since the get-go, can't seem to locate the strike zone to save his life, and even garnered a chorus of boos last night -- a sound I never would have thought to hear directed at Hughes, who is (was?!) so beloved by the fans. And oh yeah, he has night vision problems, too! The poor kid has looked like a lost and/or wounded pup on the mound. Luckily, before things could get TOO out of control (not that 0-4 with a 9.00 ERA isn't out of control...) the Yanks found a way to get Hughes a break: the 15-day DL. It was announced during the seventh inning of tonight's game against the Tigers (a pathetic display, BTW) that the Yanks had put Hughsie on the DL for a "strained oblique muscle." Continue reading Hughes Gets a Vacation Trip to the DLLabels: fanhouse articles, injuries |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 30, 2008   |
Game 29: Pre-Game Stuffz0r |
The Yanks are at a solid .500, but it's time for them to really get things rolling and head for the top of the AL East. With injuries to A-Rod and Posada we're going to be seeing a lot more of Ensberg and Gonzalez and probably Chad Moeller, who has been re-claimed by the Yanks after being DFA's a few days ago (sorry, Chris Stewart), so get used to seeing a lot of B-Squad games. To be fair, the Yanks B-Squad is actually better than the starting offensive lineup of teams like the Giants and Padres (sorry, Scott Hairston). Here's what we've got going tonight: Lineup: Damon LF Jeter SS Abreu RF Matsui DH Giambi 1B Cabrera CF Cano 2B Molina C Gonzalez 3B Matchup: Pettitte (3-2) vs Bonderman (1-2) See ya in 60! 8:10pm EDT: Could things get any worse for Cano? He just got caught steeling. COME ON NOW SON. 8:40pm EDT: Pettitte is looking PISSED. Gonzalez just mishandled a slow grounder, letting a 5th run come in - and he didn't get Guillen at first, either. 8:41pm EDT: Hey, there ya go Andy! Guillen picked off at first to end the inning. Plenty of time to score 3 or 4 runs, right? 8:55pm EDT: Phil Hughes has been put on the 15-day DL for a "strained oblique muscle." And by "strained oblique muscle" I mean "we need to pull this kid from the lineup for a couple weeks without demoting him to the 'pen." 9:55pm EDT: Did they just give up after the first? It's only April dudes, no phoning it in. PS: Cano is driving me BATTY. Hasta manana! |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 30, 2008   |
No Mas Heridas, Por Favor |
Bad news, kiddos: the Yanks have added another name to their growing DL list, and it's a big one. Everyone was hoping that A-Rod's strained quad could be remedied with a few day's rest like Jeter's, but it turns out he'll need to reserve a suite in the DL Resort instead. Lest you have forgotten, Jorgie was put on the DL himself a few days ago, forcing the Yanks to call up Chris Stewart (who? Yeah, that's right) to back up Molina behind the plate. With A-Rod out, the team is going to get even more B-team. Morgan Ensberg will likely play third base, and I'd imagine they'll be calling up another position player ASAP. Wilson Better Mint is still out with those eye troubles, so he's not an option, and to be honest I'm not sure who they're planning on bringing up to fill out the roster. Please, Injury Gods, let this be a minor injury and nothing more. No surgery required, no setbacks, and decent performances by the B-Squad, sure would be nice. Is that too much to ask? Labels: a-rod support, a-rod trouble, injuries |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 30, 2008   |
Top Ten Tuesdays: Nothing Would Shock Me Now |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 |
As I wrote yesterday, I was honestly shocked to find out that the Rocket hooked up with a fifteen year old girl, of all people. However, after spending a full day thinking about it, I’ve realized that good ol’ Rog has zero credibility at this point. Seriously, at this point there aren’t many secrets about him you can reveal that would shock me. So, to review just how far Clemens has sunk in my eyes... Top Ten Things That Wouldn’t Surprise Me About Clemens: 10. Took the first two months of the season off the last few years to get the last few Pokemon, and finish his collection. He’s that dedicated to “Catch ‘Em All!”.
9. Eats horse testicles to improve his mound stamina, and sexual virility. 8. Not coincidentally, owns a minority share in Uncle Cletus’ Horse Testicle and Glue Factory. 7. Still thinks George Bush is doing a heckuvajob. Texas. 6. Plans to have one more child. Will be waiting 60 feet and 6 inches away from delivery table, waiting with baseball. Will brush back newborn Krazy Kaptain Kevin Clemens with a fastball straight out of the womb. To teach him a lesson. 5. After being denied entry into Cooperstown, will placate his ego by joining Vince McMahon’s WWE Hall of Fame (along with fellow shamed player Pete Rose). 4. Joins the WWE full-time as dastardly villain “Roid Rage” Roger Rocket. Fits right in. Finishing move? The Perjury Slam. 3. Tries to rebuild his legacy as a Red Sox middle reliever, and is welcomed back warmly by Sox fans everywhere. Gives up a home run in his first start, and is promptly driven out of town by the same pragmatic, level-headed Sox fans. 2. Was a secret CIA operative in 2000. Had to throw the bat shard at Mike Piazza to snap him out of a murderous rage instilled by hypnotism. Should have been celebrated as a national hero instead of being vilified, but Secret Operative R.C. is all about getting the job done, and serving his country. He doesn’t need the credit. 1. Revelation that Clemens drinks the blood of innocent Christian babies, feasting at night to appease the dark lord Kromdar. John Kruk spends five minutes on Baseball Tonight explaining how this will allow Clemens to win 30 games with the Yankees next year.
Read last week's Top Ten: Reasons Not to Stress About Hughsie and IPK Labels: sketchy, steroids, top ten tuesdays |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Tuesday, April 29, 2008   |
Message to Roger Clemens: What. The. Fuck? |
Monday, April 28, 2008 |
Let me preface this post by saying that none of this is a joke. What you are about to read is 100% true. Ready? Oh, one more thing! Disclaimer/reminder: I have been a staunch Rocket supporter throughout his career - even when he was on other teams - so don't think that I'm just trying to bash the fellow. Even throughout all this steroids hoopla I've still be giving him the doubt, not casting aspersions on him without the solid proof that would definitively prove him to be a juicer. Ready now? Are you sitting down? Here goes! As you know, after trainer-boy McNameanie made all of his juicy allegations about Clemens, the Rocket - as part of his non-stop Denial Crusade 2008 - filed a defamation lawsuit against his former trainer. It took a couple months, but Bri-Mc has finally responded to the suit with some more allegations... and it is far juicier than just a little injection in the ass action: The allegations, in all their glory! - He partied with the likes of Monica Lewinsky and Michael Jordan (boy does that sound like a rockin' fiesta!)
- He and trainwreck country star Mindy McCready had a 10-year affair... BEGINNING WHEN SHE WAS FIFTEEN M'ER F'ING YEARS OLD.
And there you have it! I'm sure both the Rocket and M-Mc (and hopefully Lewinsky... PLEASE!) will have something to say in response to this soon enough, and I for one simply cannot wait to hear the gold that these statements will surely be. Let's predict what their statements will be!!! Labels: sketchy, steroids |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 28, 2008   |
Jorgie Porgie Pudding and Pie! |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos! --------------------------------------------------------
After 14 years of service, 1,450 games, 4,877 at-bats and 338 potential base-steelers thrown out, Jorge Posada is going to the DL for the first time in his career.
Jorgie has been plagued with what he called a "dead shoulder," initially diagnosed as a simple strain but now sounding like something more serious than that. He took several days off already this year and a few partial rest days by DH'ing, but alas, the bench and DH time wasn't enough to let that shoulder heal.
Understandably, Jorgie is pretty upset about the necessary DL time:It's very disappointing. It's the biggest disappointment in my career, probably, being on the DL and not being able to participate in games. It's really tough. I thought it was coming along, but it's not. It's something that we've got to find out what's really bothering me and take it from there. It's nice that he feels so bad and all, and obviously it's not his fault that's he injured, but this little snafu does put the Yanks in a bit of a pinch. The only catcher left on the roster is Jose Molina, who has proved to be a perfectly adequate backup catcher in Posada's stead, but the Yanks are going to need a backup catcher if Molina is going to be the starter for the foreseeable future. They had journey man Chad Moeller while Jorgie was taking his break, but when they thought he was ready to come back they designated Chad for assignment. Continue reading Jorgie Porgie Pudding and Pie!Labels: fanhouse articles, injuries, jorgie porgie pudding and pie |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 28, 2008   |
Sidenote Saturdays: Just Say No |
Sunday, April 27, 2008 |
I was so distraught over the way Ohlendork blew the game yesterday that I completely neglected my Sidenote Saturdays duties - again! Lest you think I didn't write anything because I had nothing to say, let me assure you that this is certainly not the case! Allow me to prove it to you... -----------------------------------
Many moons ago, one of my uncles was literally living in the wilderness in Oregon (or in his car), living off the land (don't do drugs, dudes), and had quite an experience with a deer. Using some sort of rope or cord, he killed a deer with his bare hands and loaded the poor sucker into his car. Fast forward a couple hours as he is driving said vehicle with said dead wildlife, and slowly but surely rigor mortus sets in. Cue the deer's stiff legs busting through the read windows! Wait, it gets better: a police officer happened to cruise by and saw the commotion, and guess what? It's apparently not cool to kill a wild deer. -----------------------------------
All these Padres low-scoring extra innings games are starting to grate on my nerves. One run in 22 innings?! COME ON NOW. -----------------------------------
 Bob Odenkirk (left) looks eerily like Greg Graffin (right) these days. -----------------------------------
Being good at math seems like one of the least useful skills I could possess. Why can't I just be good at writing instead? -----------------------------------
I hate the feeling of sand on my feet. The very thought of it makes me not want to go to the beach. That and seaweed. And fish. -----------------------------------
Has anyone else read OJ's "If I Did it" book/awesome "OK I Did it But it Was Totally Justified; Nicole was one drugged up beast" book? God it's amazing. -----------------------------------
The YCD is back in the hospital. Send more good vibes... -----------------------------------
Sorry to end on a sad note. I promise next week I'll deliver ON SATURDAY and it'll be chock full of happy sidenotes!
Read last week's Sidenote Saturdays: I've Kevin Brown'd MyselfLabels: sidenote saturdays |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, April 27, 2008   |
SAVE ME!!! |
Saturday, April 26, 2008 |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- Will someone please tell me why teams refuse to bring in their closers when the game is tied??? WHYYYYYY?! I'm very upset right now. Furious, even. After beating the Yanks 6-4 last night, the Indians pulled it off again today and topped the Yanks 4-3. This one irritated me even more than the last, my friends (and foes, I suppose...), and not just because it was the second night in a row such a pathetic display had been forced upon my eyes. No, there is much more vexing me tonight, namely the waste of a lovely effort on the part of the lineup to tie up the game (forget about the fact that they left 23 batters on base; that's fodder for another tirade) that could very possibly been parlayed into an extra-innings win had Girardi not opted to have Ross Ohlendorf pitch the bottom of the night instead of Mo. Continue Reading SAVE ME!!! Labels: bitching, fanhouse articles, you make me sick |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, April 26, 2008   |
Pre-Game Stuffz0r |
Why must these games always be blacked out?! Are you trying to hurt me, Extra Innings? You win. Anyway. Big game for the team today. I-Ken is taking the mound and he's looking to erase his first few outings with a nice strong start and the Yanks need to snap a two-game losing streak. Most importantly, though, look who's in the lineup... Damon LF Cabrera CF Jeter SS Rodriguez DH Giambi 1B Duncan RF Ensberg 3B Molina C Gonzalez 2B That's right, the Yankees have listened to the YC's sage advice and brought the Spirit Coordinator back for some sweet high-five giving and shouting action. Can he transfer the hot streak he was having in Scranton to Cleveland? Let's hope he uses his time on the bench between at-bats to pump Cano up. Now that Giambi has started coming around Cano is sitting alone on the "We Are Too Good To Suck This Bad" perch... let's hope a day off and some spirit will do him some good. I saw some gnats in the atmosphere during last night's game and a horrible panic set in. Post traumatic stress disorder. Play ball! 3:45pm EDT: Joba has a strained hammy... Girardi says he's OK but I am a tad worried. There may be tears (mine) if he is injured enough to miss games. 5:30pm EDT: Why is I-Ken struggling so much still? I want him to succeed. 3 ER is not that bad, but those 4 walks irk me. 7:15pm EDT: FAIL. See you later with Sidenote Saturdays... |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, April 26, 2008   |
Latest B.Q.E. Candidate: Ozzie Guillen's Man-Crush |
Friday, April 25, 2008 |
I normally wouldn't put much stock into anything Ozzie "You Want Crazy? I'll Give You Crazy, BEYOTCH" Guillen - who does? - but one of his latest quoties made me smile... I keep saying the best [Yankees] player who ever happened - bigger than someone else, but I'm not going to say the name here - is Derek Jeter. Derek Jeter has everything in his life. He's got money. He's got rings. He's got ...he's not married. At the All-Star Game I looked around to see if he has anything I don't like. No. He's the perfect man. Too bad I don't have a daughter. That's right, folks, Ozzie has a man-crush on Jeter. Big time. To be fair, who doesn't? I see that he doesn't have a daughter, but does he have a son? There's nothing wrong with that. Labels: best. quote. ever, haha...ha., jeter jeter pumpkin eater |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, April 25, 2008   |
We Need Some SPIRIT! |
Thursday, April 24, 2008 |
The Yanks have been playing pretty well lately - they've got their record up to 12-10 - but there's still a little something missing... something intangible... a certain "spark"... and I know what it is. Two words: Spirit Coordinator.Shelley SC Duncan has been off the team for a couple weeks now, having been sent down to AAA back when Jeter was out to make room for Alberto Gonzalez. He didn't have much of a chance to impress prior to getting the ax, getting just 5 at-bats in, and with Wilson Better Mint down with an injury himself the Yanks understandably had to get rid of him to make room for someone who could play short. Now that Jeter's back, though, I think it's time to start thinking about brining our dear SC back to the Bronx (or wherever they're playing; you get the point). He's certainly making a case for himself over in Scranton: .288 average/.406 OBP/.692 Slugging, 14 RBI, and 5 homers in 14 games. What's more, Morgan Ensberg is a goddamn defensive butcher. With A-Rod gone for a few days (oh, BTW: Congrats on your new Mini-Rod, Alex and Crazy Wife!), Mo-Ens's services at third are still needed, but once A-Rod and Wil-Mint are back to attack I think there's no question that Shelley should be back on that roster. All Cano and Giambi need to get out of their respective super-slumps is a few good high fives. I'm convinced. |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Thursday, April 24, 2008   |
Moose Goes Seven; Yanks Fans Hold Off on Moose-Hunt (For Now) |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- The seventh inning just came to a close in Chicago, and guess what? Mike Mussina pitched all seven of them. And guess what else?! He only gave up two runs -- solo homers to Joe Crede and Carlos Quentin. Seeing Moose make it through seven for the first time this year is a comforting -- if surprising -- sight for Yankees fans to behold. Coming into the game tonight he was 1-3 with a .575 ERA and hadn't made it out of the sixth inning in any of his starts yet this year. It was by far the best he's looked all year, as he scattered just four hits and a walk while striking out three in those seven innings. Continue reading Moose Goes Seven; Yanks Fans Hold Off on Moose-Hunt (For Now) Labels: fanhouse articles, happy time |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 23, 2008   |
Rest O' The League Round-Up: Volume II, Issue II |
It's been nearly a month now, kiddos, enough time to get a peek and start putting together your baseball bets but few enough games to see some interesting/surprising standing stack-ups. Join me as I sum up the haps in each team's world in 10 glorious words or less apiece! By the way, I'd be interested to hear which team is everyone's 2nd fave... tell me your number 2 club in the comments! AL East Hoping Blue Jays stay down.. Boston: Nice work on all those come-from-behind wins. Honestly. Baltimore: Will be at bottom of barrel soon enough. Toronto: Offense struggling. Still not as bad as SF. Tampa Bay: At least they can read! Who needs wins?
AL Central Keep it up, KC! Mix this division up! Chicago: Why do they keep trying with Contreras? Minnesota: Justin Morneau on a roll and I'm jealous. Kansas City: What happened, Gil? You were in champion mode last year. Cleveland: Westbrook out their record is almost Tigers bad. Detroit: 8 wins! Leyland probs had to beat them into submission. AL West Let's get a team in Vegas and one in Portland and round this division out Oakland: 171 trees? Were you aiming for 200 and ran out? Los Angeles: Don't feel too bad - no one can beat the BoSox. Seattle: Putz on way back and 'pen improving. Standings-climb forthcoming. Texas: Just blame it on Bush. NL East The NL East is the new NL West Florida: Are you for real? How long will this last? New York: Reyes finally heating up, but Delgado still sucking. Philadelphia: 6 in the lineup hitting .300+ and Lidge lookin' good! Atlanta: Congrats, Smoltzy! Washington: Don't cry for me Carlos PenaNL Central 50% competitive, 50% pathetic Chicago: 10,000 wins a far cooler feat than Phillies 2398023409812 losses St. Louis: Even injured, Pujols is f'in ridic. Milwaukee: Gagne sucks and Sheets missing start already. Get it together. Cincinnati: Perhaps Arroyo should go back to singing. Houston: Who cares Tejada faked age?? El Duque's probs really 88. Pittsburgh: Nate McLouth still impressing!
NL West So much for that super-tight race...Arizona: You're way better than I anticipated. San Diego: You're better than this. Colorado: Tulo, they need you for Rocktober. Los Angeles: Andruw Jones becoming a joke. How long till perma-benched? San Francisco: All I can say again: Barry Baked Ziti... wow.
Labels: other teams, rest o' the league round-up |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 23, 2008   |
Rotation vs 'Pen: Joba Weighs in |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- If you've been hanging out in a dark, isolated cave without the technological wonders of cable television, internet, telephone, radio or carrier pigeons, check out the previous episodes in this "Cashman vs Steinbrenner: Should Joba Chamberlain be put into the rotation right away?" saga before you read on: Part the first: Hank Steinbrenner calls Cash an "idiot" for not having Joba start to begin with Part deux: Cash responds by saying no sir Part tres: ...making Hank backpedal as he realizes what an idiot HE sounds like All caught up? Good! Onward! Continue Reading Rotation vs 'Pen: Joba Weighs In Labels: fanhouse articles, jobamania, Steinbrothers |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 23, 2008   |
Top Ten Tuesdays: Simmer Down Now |
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 |
Like many of y'all, Hughsie and I-Ken have been on my mind a lot lately. Their underwhelming performances to start the year are troubling, but even with a 8+ ERA between the two of them I still can't bring myself to get all worked up about it. Perhaps I'm being too forgiving, because I love these dudes and have been looking forward to their contributions to the team, but I am holding out hope that they'll both turn things around in due time. If you're unsure or already counting them out, I implore you to take a gander at this here listy and reconsider that position... Top Ten Reasons Not to Stress About Hughsie and IPK
10) The Yanks are obviously super-impressed by them, especially I-Ken. You don't put a 23-year-old pitcher off limits when making a bid for the best pitcher in the game unless you are pretty damn sure he's going to be something good. 9) Could YOU pitch in front of 50,000 demanding fans at age 21? 8) Plenty of starters - young and old - have rough Aprils, and we don't spazz about most of them. 7) Young pitchers are more likely to be coached out of the trouble - they are less stuck in their ways and bad habits. 6) Continuing with #7, there is no reason to believe that they wouldn't be eager learners and receptive to coaching. They are good kids with good attitudes - they want to succeed and will work heard to get there. 5) Remember last year? 4) Despite their records and scary ERA's, the scouting reports really aren't that disheartening. Their problem is just that they aren't locating yet; they haven't lost velocity. 3) Girardi doesn't seem too concerned... 2) ... And neither do they. Confidence in your abilities speaks volumes. 1) They're 21 and 23. Calm down. Read last week's Top Ten: Random and Newbie Performances
Labels: top ten tuesdays |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Tuesday, April 22, 2008   |
Don't Let an 8.82 ERA Get Ya Down! |
Monday, April 21, 2008 |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- Young pitchers are the hottest commodity in baseball these days, with more and more teams hitching their wagons to their prospect stars every season. The Yankees are one such team, even going so far as to put two of their youngsters off-limits when it came to trying (half-heartedly, if you ask me, but that's a whole 'nother post) to acquire Santana. Philip Hughes, Ian Kennedy, and Joba Chamberlain are the three golden boys the Yanks were planning on having shoulder a hefty portion of the burden this year, and unfortunately, two thirds of that Golden Boy Brigade hasn't come out of the gates running at top speed. The aforementioned struggling duo of Yankee Youngsters is Hughsie and I-Ken, whose combined age is younger than Julio Franco. Hughes has had four starts now and Kennedy three, and their pitching lines ain't pretty: See those lines and more after the jump :) Continue reading Don't Let an 8.82 ERA Get Ya Down! Labels: fanhouse articles |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 21, 2008   |
A-Rod Injury Update |
If you were watching the game last night, you saw some good news and bad news. The good news, of course, was Dandy Andy's awesome and much-needed 7-inning start, which allowed the super-taxed bullpen to take a breather. The bad news, in case you missed it, is that A-Rod left the game in the sixth inning after he strained his quad trying to run out a ground ball. Like we saw with Jeter a couple weeks ago, a strained quad does not necessarily mean that the victim is destined for a spell at the DL Resort, but that doesn't mean it's not something to be concerned about. As A-Rod himself put it, "I have some concern about it. Anytime you have any type of feeling like that you have some concern." While I certainly don't like the sound of that one bit - I'd feel much better if the answer was "Get outta here! This little strain is no big deal. Don't fret my pets!" - at least the timing of the injury is actually not too bad. He will probably miss a couple games just to be safe, but it is early in the season and he was actually going to be missing a few games starting any day now to be with his crazy wife (she of the classy "fuck you" tank top) when she goes into labor to deliver their second Mini-Rod (get your mind out of the gutter). Now let's just hope it really is just a minor injury, because Melky can only hit so many home runs. Labels: a-rod support, a-rod trouble, injuries |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 21, 2008   |
Hey Look: Another Best. Quote. Ever. By Hankster! |
I don't know about y'all, but sometimes I forget what a nutcase Hank Steinbrother has proved himself to be. Without fail, though, he reminds me that he has that birth defect that prohibited the "crazy talk filter" from ever developing in his brain. The latest catalyst for some sweet Hankster tiradin' comes courtesy of the failing starting rotation (not you, Dandy Andy and Wanginator) and the (always!) excellent performance of Jobamania. Like many Yanks fans, Hank wants to put to transition Joba into the rotation ASAP and let him supply the team with not just an inning here and there but six or seven every five days. That position isn't scandalous in and of itself, obviously - in fact, most of Hank's great lines aren't awesome because of what he's saying but how he's saying it and the words he uses. This time, as he explains how badly he wants to put Joba in the rotation, he throws a little blame at the Cash Man and Torre for their decision to put him in the bullpen last year: I want him as a starter and so does everyone else, including him, and that is what we are working toward and we need him there now. There is no question about it, you don't have a guy with a 100-mile-per-hour fastball and keep him as a setup guy. You just don't do that. You have to be an idiot to do that... The mistake was already made last year switching him to the bullpen out of panic or whatever. I had no say in it last year and I wouldn't have allowed it. An idiot? Is that really necessary? As far as I can see, the point of starting him in a relief capacity was two-fold: shore up the bullpen (what do you want, Hank? To rely on Farnsworthless to set up for Mariano?!) and save the arm of arguably the best young pitcher in the league. It seems to me that that move was extremely successful and not idiotic in the slightest. But that's just me. Labels: best. quote. ever, jobamania, Steinbrothers |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 21, 2008   |
Sidenote Saturdays (a Day Late, 3 Knuckles Short): I've Kevin Brown'd Myself |
Sunday, April 20, 2008 |
I can't believe I didn't write an SS yesterday! Talk about FAIL. I have mentioned several times how much I enjoy writing these posts, and then I go and ignore my YC duties for a full day? FOR SHAME! I'd imagine I'm probs the only one of us that mourned the lack of YC writin' yesterday, but humor me and read this shit with a delightful smile on your face. Commence! ----------------------------------- Ryan Howard is one fat mofo. ----------------------------------- The perfect unsolvable murder would be to kill your victim with an icicle. All the evidence, including foot prints, tire tracks, and the murder weapon itself, melt away. ----------------------------------- I am incapable of not finishing a book, regardless of how boring or poorly written it is. I must persevere to the end. I always think " someone thought this was worthy of being published. What did they see in it? I need to figure it out." I am reading such a book right now. ----------------------------------- FYI, punching a wall really, REALLY jacks up your hand. Like, a lot. I learned that this weekend. ----------------------------------- There are not many things cuter than a dog eating peanut butter. ----------------------------------- The YCD is doing much better, BTW. ----------------------------------- Ans so concludes this Sunday edition of Sidenote Saturdays! Till next time... Read last week's Sidenote Saturdays: Don't Boo Me, Rock Band Fans
Labels: sidenote saturdays |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, April 20, 2008   |
Dear Andy Pettitte: Thank You for Not Sucking. Love, the Bullpen |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- The Yanks finally picked up a win tonight, avoiding a sweep in Baltimore and putting a stop to a three-game losing streak. The bats showed some signs of life at long last, but it was the starting pitching -- for once -- that kept the team in the game and propelled them to their 10th win. In the previous four games, none of the starting pitchers made it past five innings -- three of the four didn't even make it that far -- forcing the Girardino to use the poor bullpen like it was going out of style (it wasn't). For a while there I was actually having flashbacks to poor Scott Proctor's arm falling off. Dandy Andy Pettitte brought his A-game to Baltimore tonight, though: seven IP, four hits, five K's, and not a single walk issued; his record is now 3-1 and he's got a super-sweet 2.45 ERA. It was just what the bullpen doctor ordered, leaving them with just two innings to cover (sidenote: Joba Chamberlain finally gave up his first run of the season... I tend to forget that he is a mere mortal). Andy actually had a no-hitter going through five, but kept his always-humble eye on the prize of winning instead of getting caught up in the excitement/pressure of a potential milestone like that: See what Dandy Andy had to say about it after the jump! Continue Reading Dear Andy Pettitte: Thank You for Not Sucking. Love, the Bullpen Labels: fanhouse articles |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, April 20, 2008   |
Pre-Game Stuffz0r |
Friday, April 18, 2008 |
Well, it goes without saying that last night's game didn't exactly go as planned. Hughsie's first couple starts haven't gone as planned either - he's 0-2 with a 9.00 ERA. Will he turn it around tonight? Can Cano get one measly hit or at least get plunked so he can get on base? Time shall tell! Lineup: Damon LF Jeter SS Abreu RF Rodriguez 3B Matsui DH Cano 2B Giambi 1B Cabrera CF Moeller C No Jorgie in there tonight, as Matso Ball Soup needed to get a game in. Joba is still with his father, but ol' Harlan's condition is improving: After several difficult days, my father is feeling much better. He is still in the critical care unit of the hospital and more tests await him, but he is off the ventilator and breathing on his own. Each day he's acting more and more like himself, and he's even giving people grief -- myself included -- because the hospital doesn't carry Yankees games on television. As for his return, there's no clear answer on that. Girardi said it could be as early as this weekend, but that isn't certain. I'm out of the game myself tonight - no live bloggin', but I'll try to get a game wrap up later on in the eve. Hopefully one that begins with the word "Winalicious." Update 7:19pm: Last night's long reliever, Jonathan "Albondigas" Albaladejo has been sent to AAA to make room for Edwin Ramirez. Update 8:55pm (top sixth): Melky just struck out with the bases loaded to end the inning. Grumbllllllllle. Hughes is looking good though and the score is held at 1-1, 4 hits per team. Update 9:07pm (bottom sixth): So much for that Hughsie comment - the O's have knocked him out after putting 2 more runs on the board. LTH will come in with one out and men on second and third. Update 9:25pm (bottom sixth again): Things got totally out of control there, lovelies. LTH couldn't keep things under control and the score skyrocketed to 8-1. Woops... |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, April 18, 2008   |
Manny Being Manny Crushes the Yanks... as Usual |
At least that mini-series is over. I was just writing yesterday about what a horrendous Yankee killer Manny was, and what did he do? Smack two homers off the Moose last night. Some folks were wondering why Moose pitched him anything decent at all - why not just walk the beast? You can't just go out and walk him every time he steps in the box. You go out and throw the best pitches you can and try to have a game plan. I couldn't throw the ball where I wanted to, so game plans don't really do much good when you can't locate the baseball. He got into two balls, and hit them both pretty far. --Moose
You're right, Mike. Game plans didn't do much good at all. Once you realized the game plans weren't working, though, why not be pragmatic and CHANGE THE GAME PLAN??
Labels: red sox rivalry, you make me sick |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, April 18, 2008   |
Game 17 LIVE BLOG! |
Thursday, April 17, 2008 |
Why hello and bienvenidos! It's game 17 of the season and the Yanks are looking to make their record a very solid 10-7 with another win over the Red Sox tonight. Last night's game was quite the crushing - can the Yanks do it again? Moose is going to be manning the mound, which usually makes your YC a tad nervous. He's been pitching decently enough (1-2 record, 4.15 ERA), though, so I'm feeling relatively confident. The Red Sox are giving Beckett (1-1, 6.35 ERA) the ball, and with any luck his slow start will continue tonight. Here's who we'll be watching bat tonight: Yanks: Johnny Damon LF Derek Jeter SS Bobby Abreu RF Alex Rodriguez 3B Jason Giambi 1B Jorge Posada DH Robinson Cano 2B Melky Cabrera CF Chad Moeller C Red Sox: Jacoby Ellsbury CF Dustin Pedroia 2B David Ortiz DH Manny Ramirez LF Kevin Youkilis 3B J.D. Drew RF Jason Varitek C Sean Casey 1B Julio Lugo SS West coasters, finish up your work so you can spend the last hour of your day focusing on the game; East coasters, go order the pizza and grab a Natty Light -- see you in 30! Top First:He plunked Ellsbury to start off the inning, but Moose simmered down after that and got the next three out.
Bottom First:
Not going to do an every batter play by play this time around -- that's a real strength-sapper and I'm multitasking here -- but I'll throw my updates/thoughts up at least once every half inning.
Bend it Like Beckett worked himself a quick 1-2-3 inning. Where'd our hot bats go? COME BACK!
Top Second:
Manny's hair gets uglier every day. Goddamn. Senor Dreads just smacked a homer right over Melky's outstretched glove. He really is a Yankee killer :( Moose gets the next two out, but then Varitek loops one into right field for a two-out base hit. Inning over, but some damage was done. ANSWER BACK YANKS! Bottom Second: How bout a homer, Awesome-Rod? Make things even. ...Or pop out. Either way. Al Leiter is talking about how cocky Becks was when they were on the Marlins. That sounds about right. Another 1-2-3 for Beckett. Top Third: With the exception of the ball that hit Ellsbury and the one he gave Manny, Moose is looking strong. ...Or... oops. He just hit Ellsbury again. Retaliation forthcoming? I hope not. Oh COME ON! Ellsbury steals second, but Moeller pitches a poor throw to try to get him and he ended up at third instead. Line drive up the middle for Pedroia and Ellsbury scores easily. Now there's one on with one out for Big Papi. Giambi is the chattiest first baseman I've ever watched. He talks to EVERYONE ON BASE. WTF CRAZY PERSON ALERT! Michael Kay just said that when Moose was in Japan he refused to come out of his hotel room the entire time. He brought peanut butter and white bread with him and literally did not leave his lair. Finally a second out as the Pap-ster grounds into a fielder's choice. Pedroia out at second and Papi safe at first. Oh you've got to be fucking KIDDING me! Another Manny homer, this one a 2-runner. The score is now 4-0 Sox... Moose is losing it. Just gave up a base hit to Yooooouk. Can we please end this inning ASAP? There's another base hit, this one to JD Drew. Two on now for V-Tek and there's no action in the bullpen... I love it when a player assumes ball four and starts walking to first base and has to come back when the ump calls a strike. Oh COME ON MOOSE! RBI single for V-Tek, Sox lead 5-0. The crowd has switched from "MOOOOOSE" calls to booing. Albaladejo is up in the bullpen now. Casey out and the inning is done at last. Bottom Third: Now would be a good time for Cano to wake up. And by "wake up" I apparently meant "ground out to first" Melky base hit! Alright, let's use this to start a rally, please. No dice. Inning done. Is Moose coming out for the fourth? Top Fourth: No mas Moose. Jonathan Albondigas is in. Whew! No more runs scored. Still 5-zippo. Bottom Fourth: Two hits but no runs in this one, folks. BLAST! Live blog SNAFU! Internet and cable went down. I see we're on the board and Farnsworthless is up?! What the hell is going on here. Top Seventh: Go away, Manny. 3 for 3 is 3 too many. Whew! Away. Hey, a 1-2-3 inning for the Yanks! Way to go, Farny! Bottom Seventh: 9 more outs to go. Let's get something rollin, Bombers. FAIL. 1-2-3 Top Eighth: Farny out, Traber in as the fourth pitcher of the night. He gives up a hit, but no harm down. Score remains at 7-3 and the Yanks really need to get to work here! Bottom Eighth: So much for Beckett's slow start - he's looking strong and back again for the 8th. Yup, no problem for him. He gets another 1-2-3 inning and suddenly they are down to their last 3 outs to score at least 4 runs. Now hold them to 7, whichever one of you pitchers is coming out! Top Ninth: It's Billy Traber back into the game. He better keep these Soxers under control so that we can pretend there shall be hope in the bottom. Papi back in slumpsville, btw - 0-5 today. Well that was a nice quick inning! Too bad they couldn't have done that a few innings ago. Bottom Ninth: Last chance for the Yanks! Even if you're not gonna win, guys, at least put a couple up there so it's not a blowout. Paplebon is pitching now, even though it's not a save situation. Cano's got another chance here -- Posada is on third (after doubling and then moving over on a WP). MELKINATOR! Two-out home run and keeping things interesting. Defecit down to two runs. Matsui goes down swinging, ball game over. Sox win 7-5. What a bust, and I'll blame Moose for this one. Hasta manana... Labels: live bloggin, red sox rivalry |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Thursday, April 17, 2008   |
Manny Being Yankee?? |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- It's still just April, and the Yanks have certainly gotten off to a hot start, but that isn't stopping some of my Yankee fan brethren from stressing out, fretting that they won't be able to top the Sox. Case in point, my dear friend and a man whose work I greatly admire, Peter Abraman of the Journal News, has suggested that the Yanks sign Manny Ramirez after this season is over (of course neglecting the fact that the Sox have a club option for 2009 and 2010, which they're likely to use). Pete's reasoning is that since Manny is such a Yankee killer, what better way to stop that then to bring his hot bat over the the Bronx? Manny Being Manny is an insane 52 of 110 (.473) against the Yankees since the start of the 2006 season with 12 homers and 35 RBI in 32 games. He has 53 homers and 153 RBI against the Yankees in his career. I asked Mike Mussina last week what the Yankees have done to try and stop this. "Everything," he said. "Nothing works." Vote in the poll after the jumpity!
Continue Reading Manny Being Yankee??
Labels: fanhouse articles, red sox rivalry |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Thursday, April 17, 2008   |
Took You Long Enough! |
The baaats are aliiiiive, with the sound of muuuuuuuuuuuusic... ...God that was lame. (You liked it) Last night's game was quite the sight to behold. The pitching got a tad out of control on both ends (could have used some Jobamania action... update on that is that his daddy-o is doing better and the kid should be back in the 'pen soon), but the offense's performance proved that when the bats are on there is just no stopping the Yanks.The 15 runs they scored was the most they've scored in a game thus far this year, and every single starter contributed to the hit parade, and all but Matsui rocked at least one RBI. Jeter, who was mired in a bit of a slump before taking a week off, has now gone 7-13 with 5 RBI since his return and his average is up to a sweet and much more Jeter-esque .324. In fact, most of the team is climbing out of their respective slumps (save for Cano and Giambi, but let's give them some more time before we start getting too fired up). In one night they boosted their team batting average from a paltry .261 up to .272.The game also featured another fine performance by 3rd string catcher Chad Moeller, who went 3-4 and now has a .400 batting average. How lucky are the Yankees that they're getting production out of a guy they most likely had no serious intention of using? The Yans and Sox are playing again tonight, same time, same place. The season series tied at 2 games apiece and if last night was any indication, we're in for another loooooong night. If you can't watch the game on TV or simply prefer to avoid Michael Kay at any cost, join me back here at about 6:30 EDT for some live blog action!
Labels: happy time, jeter jeter pumpkin eater, jobamania, red sox rivalry |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Thursday, April 17, 2008   |
Top Ten Tuesdays (a Day Late, $38 Short): And You Are....? |
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 |
Yesterday was the first full day off I've taken from my writin' duties here on YC and at FanHouse in a loooooong time, and while I did have fun losing $38 in Vegas (blimey!) I suffered from Acute Baseball Chat Withdrawal Syndrome (ABCWS) and I'm glad to be back. Since my day off fell on a Tuesday, I failed to post my usual Top Ten list (and I'm sure many tear were shed). Don't fret, though, my pets! I've got one for ya right here right now. The season is just a few weeks old, but at this point there has been enough time to take a gander at a few players' fine performances and cross our fingers that they will remain hot throughout the season. Some of the hot bats and hot hands come from usual suspects and known commodities - Mariano, Chone Figgans, Lance Berkman, Jake Peavy, Ben Sheets, etc etc - but a lot of the star performances thus far have been from new players and journeymen, some of whom we aren't very familiar with at all. Allow me to congratulate... Top Ten Random and Newbie Performances10) Jose Molina (Yankees C): .364 average/.576 slugging in 33 at-bats 9) Kurt Suzuke (A's C): .347 average/.408 slugging in 49 at-bats 8) Shawn Chacon (Astros P): 2.25 ERA in 20.0 IP (3 games) 7) Evan Longoria (Rays 3B): .333 average/.667 slugging in 12 at-bats 6) Randor Bierd (Orioles P): 0.00 ERA in 10.0 IP (5 games) 5) Angel Pagan (Mets OF): .381 average/.500 slugging in 42 at-bats 4) Nate McLoulth (Pirates OF): .391 average/.656 slugging in 64 at-bats 3) James Loney (Dodgers 1B): .365 average/.558 slugging in 52 at-bats 2) Justin Upton (Diamondbacks OF): .370 average/.704 slugging in 54 at-bats 1) Edwin Jackson (Rays P): 2.84 ERA in 19.0 IP (3 games) Read last week's Top Ten: Week One FailuresLabels: top ten tuesdays |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 16, 2008   |
If at First You Don't Anger Enough Yankees Fans, Try, Try Again |
When LaTroy Hawkins chose #21 for his jersey this year, he thought he was honoring Roberto Clemento's memory. To Yanks fans, though, #21 is reserved not for the Hall of Famer but for the curly-locked Paul O'Neill, who last wore the number for the team. Little did poor LaTroy realize he'd be called out for wearing the Permed Prince's jersey, forced to listen to chants/heckles of PAUL O'NEILL! PAUL O'NEILL! as he jogged from the 'pen to the mound in Yankee Stadium. Not surprisingly, the heat from the fans eventually got under LTH's skin and it was confirmed yesterday that he's decided to stop wearing the number...
...and start wearing Roger Clemens' #22.
Yup, that should shut them up.
Labels: haha...ha. |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Wednesday, April 16, 2008   |
B-Squad Bombers Best the Rays (Barely) |
Monday, April 14, 2008 |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- After a 2-1 series loss to Boston over the weekend, the Yanks headed down to Florida today to start a two game set -- and what a game it was. When all was said and done, the teams had combined for 26 hits, 15 runs, and hit an incredible Colorado-worthy seven home runs. The Yanks won the game 8-7, but it wasn't an easy win. Girardi had an interesting lineup out there tonight, one that barely looked like it belonged to the Yanks at first glance. With both Jorge Posada and Jose Molina unable to catch -- Posada because of the nagging shoulder issues and Molina because he strained his hammy sliding into home yesterday -- the Yanks called up journeyman Chad Moeller at the last moment to put on the catching gear, the young Alberto Gonzalez was at second (Cano was taking a much-needed mental health break a la Big Papi), and Morgan Ensberg was playing first. Jeter was back in the lineup after missing a week, but usual suspects Giambi and Posada were both out. Continue Reading B-Squad Bombers Best the Rays (Barely)
Labels: fanhouse articles, happy time |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 14, 2008   |
Yanks at Rays: Pre-Game Stuffz0r |
No live bloggin' this fine evening, but I'll be popping in a few times during the game with some exclamations and/or bitching. Here's what's going on before the game... Joba's father and fan favorite Harlan is currently in the hospital and Joba has returned to Nebraska to be with him. Everyone is concerned and hoping for the best for Daddy Chamberlain. Joba had this to say about the situation: As many of you know, my family is dealing with a serious, personal medical condition involving my father Harlan. He is currently in critical but stable condition. We cannot express how much we appreciate the enormous amount of love and compassion that has been shown to my family by so many.
I also want to thank my teammates and my manager for giving me so much support when I have needed it most. Their actions are the reason I was able to reach my father’s side as quickly as I did. I ask that you please afford my family the privacy that it needs to deal with my father’s condition appropriately. In turn, I will provide updates through the Yankees as they become available to me.
Let's all send lots of love and good vibes the Chamberlains' way! In lineup news, Jeter is back in the game tonight after nearly a week off. Cano, however, is out of the lineup, presumably due to his incredibly crappy start. Hopefully a mental and physical breather day will do the trick. Alberto Gonzalez, who did a great job filling in for Jeter last week, is going to spend the day at Cano's post. Full Lineup:Damon LF Jeter SS Abreu RF Rodriguez 3B Matsui DH Ensberg 1B Cabrera CF Moeller C Gonzalez 2B Interesting lineup. Quite the B-Squad, but that's not necessarily a bad thing considering the relatively poor performances of so many of the usual starters. No Posada tonight - not quite ready to catch again and that DH spot has to be rotated. Game on in about 40 minutes! 7:13pm EDT: SEEEEYA x 2! Damon leads off with a solo shot and then A-Rod follows suit a couple batters later with a solo shot of his own. Could it be? Could the bats be awakening at long last? Keep 'em quiet, I-Ken! 7:21pm EDT: What is this, batting practice? Morgan Ensberg just hit the third solo shot of the game off Sonnanstine. 3-0 Yanks. I-Ken looked great in the first inning, BTW. 8:00pm EDT: Damon again! Sonny serves up a bases-loaded dub to Damon. Score goes up to 5-1 Yanks and there are still two guys on base. They need a big win! Without our Spirit Coordinator, they need to make their own morale-boosters. 8:47pm EDT: We're through five now, and I-Ken has done a great job. Just over 70 pitches, 5 hits, 2 ER, 3 K's and a walk. And the B-Squad Bombers are cheering me up! GOOOOOOOOO MOELLER! 9:18pm EDT: Uh oh... Bartlett just hit one back to the mound and hit I-Ken, who left the game immediately. He wasn't crying or bleeding, at least... but a hit pitcher is never good (see Hughes, Phil, and Rasner, Darrell.) Billy Traber in. 9:32pm EDT: You've got to be kidding me, dudes! Rays came into the seventh and hit three homers - 1 off Traber and then back to back jacks off Bruney. The score is now tied 7-7 with two out in the bottom of the seventh. How bout a couple back to back jacks of your own, B-Squad B's? 9:40pm EDT: SEEEYA! A pinch hit home run by Robby Cano puts the Yanks up 8-7 here in the top of the eighth. Great time to bust yourself out of that slump! 10:10pm EDT: Ball game over, Yankees win 8-7! Congrats and thank you to A-Rod (4-5) and Cano (tie-breaking homer in the 8th) for making this delightful win possible. Wrap-up on the way! Labels: jeter jeter pumpkin eater, jobamania |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 14, 2008   |
Rest O' the League Round-up: Volume II, Issue I |
Hey, look what's back! That's right, its the Yankees Chick patent-pending Rest O' the League Round-up, where I run through the 29 non-Yankees teams and give a quick update on what they've been up to all week. Just for fun times, I impose a 10-word limit to sum up each team's goings on. Read on! AL East Could actually be a 3 horse race! Baltimore: First place in division? Enjoy while it lasts. Toronto: BJ Ryan back to attack. Playoff dreams not that absurd. Boston: Big Papi blowing it like the Tigers. Is he dunzo? Tampa Bay: One of most fun teams to watch - love the youngsters!
AL Central Y'all should thank Detroit Chicago: Beating up on Tigers doesn't necessarily indicate winning season. Kansas City: Off to a good start! Enjoy it like the O's. Minnesota: Didn't get enough in return for Santana Cleveland: Another rough start for C.C. Still want him. Detroit: WTF?! How's that World Series bet looking now? AL West Rivalry! Oakland: Harden down AGAIN?! Who is he, Pavano's brother? Los Angeles: Fun rivalry with Mariners officially in play. Seattle: Injuries stirring up trouble with pitching. Pressure on 'pen. Texas: Just blame it on Bush. NL East Can't wait for this competition to really heat up... Florida: How many wins will $10 buy? Philadelphia: Not sure how I feel about them yet. Tough division. New York: Santana's hitting almost as well as Reyes. Bad for Reyes. Atlanta: Glavine down but hopefully not out. Can he avoid DL? Washington: Lo Duca sorry and hoping for forgiveness and 'roid-free success. NL Central Pee your pants for all of them! St. Louis: Pujols: Go get your surgery now before things get worse! Milwaukee: They're back and committed to pee! Chicago: A bubble gum tray? Pittsburgh: Does anyone else feel bad for these no-chance teams? Cincinnati: See above. Houston: Anal fissures are bad news, folks.
NL West My fave non-Yanks division!Arizona: I forgot Big Unit still existed. He is beyond dunzo. San Diego: Giles is your leadoff guy? Good thing you have pitching. Colorado: Halladay on a roll! Nice move locking him up. Los Angeles: Nomaaaaaaah coming back! I give him a month, tops. San Francisco: Barry Baked Ziti... wow.
Labels: other teams, rest o' the league round-up |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Monday, April 14, 2008   |
Yanks Come So Close Yet So Far |
Sunday, April 13, 2008 |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- Philip Hughes may have given up seven runs in two innings, but I'm blaming this one on Kyle Farnsworth. The Sox were all over Hughes from the very first inning, smacking six hits and scoring seven runs, but the Yanks put on a decent display themselves, scoring four off a shaky Daisuke Matsuzaka. They scored another in the eighth inning off Timlin thanks to a solo shot by Giambi -- the second homer Timlin served up to Giambi in this series -- to put the score at 7-5 with a win just two runs out of sight for the Yanks. What happened next? Clicky the jumpy and read more! Continue Reading Yanks Come So Close Yet So Far Labels: fanhouse articles, red sox rivalry |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, April 13, 2008   |
Reason #1 324128901329085730 Red Sox Fans Make Me Furious, and Best. Quote. Ever. Candidate! |
It looks like being an Equal Opportunity Employer means you can't ask prospective construction workers which baseball team holds their heart and loyalty. Blast. I'm sure you've heard by now about all the "curse attempt" hoopla that's been going on at the Yankee Stadium construction site. The short version, in case you've missed it: One of the construction workers came forward ratting out a couple of his coworkers, saying that a few hooligans had buried a Big Papi jersey in the concrete in hopes of cursing the Yanks; the Yankees responded by proclaiming the news as untrue, but then ended up believing the tattle-tale employees after all once they pinpointed the exact location it was entombed in concrete. The jersey was subsequently unearthed today.A couple thoughts on this idiocy: a) Anyone that honestly believes in curses should be banned from baseball fandome forever, on account of extreme stupidity. b) Why a Papi jersey? Is that really the best they could come up with? c) These dudes would be wise to watch their backs on the job from now on. Or seek new jobs... Cleaning the Green Monster perhaps? I've saved the best part for last: Hal Steinbrother's reaction! I hope his co-workers kick the shit out of him I'm pretty sure this is the first time Hank has allowed his brother to speak publicly, and I salute him. Amen. Labels: best. quote. ever, haha...ha., red sox rivalry, Steinbrothers, you make me sick |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Sunday, April 13, 2008   |
Dear Yankees: 3 Runs Every Game Does Not a Win Make. Love, Yankees Chick |
Saturday, April 12, 2008 |
In addition to my usual Yankees Chick posts, I have also begun writing regularly for AOL's FanHouse blog on all things AL East. I will post the beginnings of those articles here on YC, and then you'll have to click the link to jump on over to FH to read the rest... stick with me here, amigos!-------------------------------------------------------- Rain rain, go away The Yankees fail after a delay. Sigh. Is it too much to ask for the Yankees to put together a few timely hits? Last I checked their roster was chock full of capable hitters, even with a bit of a b-squad lineup. The Red Sox took game two of the 18-game season series this afternoon, scoring four runs off nine hits. The Yanks fell short of ensuring a series win by scoring three on six hits, but in their defense a portion of their lack of hitting today can be attributed not just to their collective slump but to Beckett's good outing. After today's game the team is only scoring an average of three runs per game. That might be alright when they're playing the Tigers, but for the most part they're going to need to do better than that. Continue Reading Dear Yankees: 3 Runs Every Game Does Not a Win Make. Love, Yankees Chick Labels: fanhouse articles, red sox rivalry |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, April 12, 2008   |
Sidenote Saturdays: Don't You Dare Boo Me, Rock Band Fans |
Ready for some Sidenotes? I am! ----------------------------------- I have a debilitating addiction to the Investigative Discovery channel. I have not watched any television besides baseball and real crime shows in weeks. Note to criminals: Don't forget about the magic of Luminol. Painting over the blood stains on your basement walls will not fool the crafty detectives. ----------------------------------- I've mentioned before that I am a big fan of music, particularly the punk rock and/or roll and some sweet classic rock. My all-time favorite albums are: 10) Flowers - Rolling Stones 9) After the Eulogy - Boy Sets Fire 8) Harvest - Neil Young 7) The Empire Strikes First - Bad Religion 6) Reactionary - Face to Face 5) Our Darkest Days - Ignite 4) Black Sails in the Sunset - AFI 3) White Light, White Heat, White Trash - Social Distortion 2) Against the Grain - Bad Religion 1) No Control - Bad Religion What are yours? ----------------------------------- Oh, another addiction: www.scrabulous.comI will beat you. ----------------------------------- I live in San Diego but have only been to the beach one time in the last four years. I fear my vampire-white skin would blind fellow beach-goers. ----------------------------------- I am very impressed with the Coca Cola company and their fine product Coke Zero. SO much better than Diet Coke... it's not even close. ----------------------------------- ...Nowhere near the deliciosity of Dr Pepper, however. ----------------------------------- If I lose fans after a poor drumming performance in Rock Band, I feel very disappointed in myself. ----------------------------------- If they don't get this game in today and the Sox win by decision when the Yanks had two on and A-Rod up in the eigth, I am going to punch a wall (preferably one with a picture of Manny plastered on it). ----------------------------------- Back to your regularly scheduled baseball programming! Read last week's Sidenote Saturdays: Sorry, Luke SkywalkerLabels: sidenote saturdays |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, April 12, 2008   |
In-Game Updates |
No live bloggity today as I am one tired Yankees Chick (twas at the Wooden Award ceremony last night!), but I thought I'd do a couple quick updates during the game here, as it's sure to be a good one! 5:00pm EDT: Moose may have only given up one run, but he's not looking as good as his line would indicate. He's getting it done, but I'm not all that impressed. However, if our bats don't wake up he may win the prestigious STAR POWER WOOOOOOT! honor today by default... 5:19pm EDT: Tie game on a Melky sac fly! To his credit, Beckett has really looked good throughout the first five innings. 5:20pm EDT: ...But he's falling apart a bit in the 6th! Wild pitch just scored the Attorney General (who was on third after tagging up on the Melky ball). Score 2-1 and we're just a couple innings away from Jobamania and then Mo time. 5:36pm EDT: After giving up 3 hits and 3 runs in the sixth, Moose is out of the game. Not a horrible performance by any means, and the bullpen is well-rested because of Wang's CG yesterday. Score 3-2 Sox but no worries - plenty of time. PS: Big Papi is tanking big time. Is he just phoning it in at this point or what? 6:00pm EDT: Cano's got two hits today, including an RBI dub that put the score at 4-3 Sox. Could he finally be out his super-slump? Por favor? 6:33pm EDT: Rain delay in the top of the eighth with two out and two on? BLIMEY! They better not call this game. By the way, I still don't understand why the Yanks couldn't spring for a roof on the new stadium. It's not like they have cash-flow problem. 7:09pm EDT: Tarp coming off! Game on. 7:27pm EDT: Just kidding. Tarp back on. Stand by. 8:30pm EDT: Oh yeah, the game is back on. Last ups for the Yanks now... one run down, one out. RALLY IT UP DUDES. 8:53pm EDT: With two outs and a 3-2 count on Cano in the bottom of the ninth, Fox decides to switch to their Nascar coverage and tells us to change to FX to watch the end of the game. WTF? Rednecks couldn't wait 30 seconds? Anywho, game over now anyway. Final score 4-3 Sox, series tied one game apiece. Game wrap forthcoming! Labels: live bloggin |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, April 12, 2008   |
Wangster! |
In case you missed it yesterday, allow me to inform you that our dear Wangster pitched one hell of a game to keep the Sox down and lead his team to win #1 of what will hopefully be a series win. He pitched the first complete game of the year for Yanks pitchers and allowed just two hits - one of which was the JD Drew homer that scored the only run of the day for the Sox.
As Molina - who by the way, will be catching again today to let Jorgie have another half day off (he'll be at DH) - put it, "he had everything today. He got them off balance -- inside, outside -- and everything for a strike. When Wang is on, he's on. Today was one of those nights."
Of course, YC missed the game completely and was stuck checking the score on my cell phone. Que triste para mi.
Let's all send some good vibes Moose's way in hopes that he'll follow Wang's lead and propel the team to another victory!
If he's good, perhaps he will earn a coveted spot in the Score and More STAR POWER WOOOOOOOOT slot. If that's not motivation enough for the fellow, I don't know what is.
Labels: happy time, red sox rivalry |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Saturday, April 12, 2008   |
Yankeeschickography: Red Sox Rivalry 2008, Commence! |
Friday, April 11, 2008 |
Dear Yankees, Please provide the Wangster with some run support. Sweeping the Sox would be a perfect start to a winning season. Hint: Double plays = bad. Love, Yankees Chick Labels: red sox rivalry, video |
posted by Yankees Chick @ Friday, April 11, 2008   |